detroit school of pop and rock!?
does anyone know about it? should i go there. i dont want a band though and im all Pop(kinda girlyish) does anyone know schools like this in michigan for pop music this seems to rock.
Detroit - 1 Answers
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The website below will tell you all you want to know.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Where do you get a work permit?
Where do you get a work permit?
I'm 15 and I live in westside Detroit, Michigan. My school doesn't have work permits, so where do I get them?
Careers & Employment - 3 Answers
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A local employer should be able to help you. Or your school counselor should be able to point you in the right direction. Good Luck!
Your school should have them. If not, the school district where you are working can provide one. See,1607,+7-154-27673_27679-39740--,00.html
I'm 15 and I live in westside Detroit, Michigan. My school doesn't have work permits, so where do I get them?
Careers & Employment - 3 Answers
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A local employer should be able to help you. Or your school counselor should be able to point you in the right direction. Good Luck!
Your school should have them. If not, the school district where you are working can provide one. See,1607,+7-154-27673_27679-39740--,00.html
Thursday, February 24, 2011
what can you tell me about Detroit , Michigan ??
what can you tell me about Detroit , Michigan ??
plz tell me anything you know about Detroit work,study (high school n universities) house renting anything about living there for a family
Detroit - 2 Answers
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Detroit (IPA: /dɪˈtrɔɪt/) (French: Détroit, meaning strait, pronounced [detÊwa] (help·info)) is the largest city in the U.S. state of Michigan and the seat of Wayne County. Detroit is a major port city located north of Windsor, Ontario, on the Detroit River, in the Midwest region of the United States. It was founded in 1701 by the Frenchman Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac. It is known as the world's traditional automotive center—"Detroit" is a metonym for the United States automobile industry—and an important source of popular music, legacies celebrated by the city's two familiar nicknames, Motor City and Motown.[3][4] Other nicknames emerged in the twentieth century, including Rock City, Arsenal of Democracy (during World War II), The D, D-Town, Hockeytown, and The 3-1-3 (its area code).[5] In 2007, Detroit ranked as the United States' eleventh most populous city, with 871,121 residents.[6] At its peak, the city was the fourth largest in the country, but has steadily declined in population since the 1960s. The name Detroit sometimes refers to the Metro Detroit area, a sprawling region with a population of 4,468,966[7] for the Metropolitan Statistical Area and a population of 5,410,014[8] for the nine county Combined Statistical Area as of the 2006 Census Bureau estimates. The Windsor-Detroit area, a critical commercial link straddling the Canada-U.S. border, has a total population of about 5,900,000.[9]
Downtown Detroit has some high rent but nice areas, but most of it has high crime and high taxes - a $200k house will probably cost you $8k in taxes. The mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is like a 'gangsta' sucks the city dry with his parties and living off the city. The western suburbs (Oakland County) has most of the "new money" Ferndale and Royal Oak is the gay / trendy community, W. Bloomfield is pretty pricey. The eastern suburbs on the water are the Grosse Pointes - old money (like the Fisher brothers) - near east side is the blue collar area - Roseville / Eastpointe. Northern Macomb county is the white collar middle class. Western Waynd County (Livonia) is also the white collar middle class. There are lots of universities - Wayne State is well known for it's mortician school, world class fencing, but is mostly has commuters. Oakland University used to be the Michigan State Honors college, and has good nursing programs. Most reasonable rent would be in eastern Macomb County - Fraser schools are good - Rent for a house will be $1 - $1500 / month. The economy is terrible, lots of houses for sale, but people aren't bringing their prices down. I wouldn't rent in Detroit - the crime is too high, and public transportation is horrible!
plz tell me anything you know about Detroit work,study (high school n universities) house renting anything about living there for a family
Detroit - 2 Answers
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Detroit (IPA: /dɪˈtrɔɪt/) (French: Détroit, meaning strait, pronounced [detÊwa] (help·info)) is the largest city in the U.S. state of Michigan and the seat of Wayne County. Detroit is a major port city located north of Windsor, Ontario, on the Detroit River, in the Midwest region of the United States. It was founded in 1701 by the Frenchman Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac. It is known as the world's traditional automotive center—"Detroit" is a metonym for the United States automobile industry—and an important source of popular music, legacies celebrated by the city's two familiar nicknames, Motor City and Motown.[3][4] Other nicknames emerged in the twentieth century, including Rock City, Arsenal of Democracy (during World War II), The D, D-Town, Hockeytown, and The 3-1-3 (its area code).[5] In 2007, Detroit ranked as the United States' eleventh most populous city, with 871,121 residents.[6] At its peak, the city was the fourth largest in the country, but has steadily declined in population since the 1960s. The name Detroit sometimes refers to the Metro Detroit area, a sprawling region with a population of 4,468,966[7] for the Metropolitan Statistical Area and a population of 5,410,014[8] for the nine county Combined Statistical Area as of the 2006 Census Bureau estimates. The Windsor-Detroit area, a critical commercial link straddling the Canada-U.S. border, has a total population of about 5,900,000.[9]
Downtown Detroit has some high rent but nice areas, but most of it has high crime and high taxes - a $200k house will probably cost you $8k in taxes. The mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is like a 'gangsta' sucks the city dry with his parties and living off the city. The western suburbs (Oakland County) has most of the "new money" Ferndale and Royal Oak is the gay / trendy community, W. Bloomfield is pretty pricey. The eastern suburbs on the water are the Grosse Pointes - old money (like the Fisher brothers) - near east side is the blue collar area - Roseville / Eastpointe. Northern Macomb county is the white collar middle class. Western Waynd County (Livonia) is also the white collar middle class. There are lots of universities - Wayne State is well known for it's mortician school, world class fencing, but is mostly has commuters. Oakland University used to be the Michigan State Honors college, and has good nursing programs. Most reasonable rent would be in eastern Macomb County - Fraser schools are good - Rent for a house will be $1 - $1500 / month. The economy is terrible, lots of houses for sale, but people aren't bringing their prices down. I wouldn't rent in Detroit - the crime is too high, and public transportation is horrible!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Michigan State, University of Detroit Mercy, or Wayne State, what is best for a pre med student?
Michigan State, University of Detroit Mercy, or Wayne State, what is best for a pre med student?
What is the best pre med college in Michigan other than Ann Arbor? Also what is the best pre med college out of the 3 listed above? Which one best prepares you for med school?
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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My physician did his pre-med at Michigan State and then earned his MD at Uni. of Michigan which, as you know, is in Ann Arbor! I imagine you, also, know that U of M is ranked in the top 10 best med. schools in the USA. See links 1 & 2 for further info'. I suggest you order the 2009 US News & World Report offered, and the ones for following years, to keep abreast of any curriculum changes and/or requirements at med. schools you may wish to consider. I would telephone the Dean of Admissions for the School of Medicine at U of M to ask which of these schools they believe would give you the best foundation to equip you for admission to U of M. If you have, already, decided which area of medicine you wish to specialize in you should, definitely, bring this up for discussion. Thank you for considering medicine as a career; you are going to have many days/nights when you wonder if you have made the correct choice due to the mountain of knowledge you'll need to commit to memory so you'll need to keep your "eyes on the prize". When people complain to me about their GP not knowing much about the "something" which is their issue I, usually, ask them if they think they are capable of remembering most of the info' in every volume of the Encyclopedia Britannica(?). If you don't, yet, have a Merck Manual, see the 3rd link (do not get the Home Edition) - you should be able to buy a, fairly, recent one for a $10 investment, including postage. You can, also, access this online at link 4.
Michigan is best!
Michigan State, then Wayne State, then Detroit Mercy. In addition to being prepared for med school, you need a school with more of a national reputation, so that it will be respected in the admissions process.
What is the best pre med college in Michigan other than Ann Arbor? Also what is the best pre med college out of the 3 listed above? Which one best prepares you for med school?
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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My physician did his pre-med at Michigan State and then earned his MD at Uni. of Michigan which, as you know, is in Ann Arbor! I imagine you, also, know that U of M is ranked in the top 10 best med. schools in the USA. See links 1 & 2 for further info'. I suggest you order the 2009 US News & World Report offered, and the ones for following years, to keep abreast of any curriculum changes and/or requirements at med. schools you may wish to consider. I would telephone the Dean of Admissions for the School of Medicine at U of M to ask which of these schools they believe would give you the best foundation to equip you for admission to U of M. If you have, already, decided which area of medicine you wish to specialize in you should, definitely, bring this up for discussion. Thank you for considering medicine as a career; you are going to have many days/nights when you wonder if you have made the correct choice due to the mountain of knowledge you'll need to commit to memory so you'll need to keep your "eyes on the prize". When people complain to me about their GP not knowing much about the "something" which is their issue I, usually, ask them if they think they are capable of remembering most of the info' in every volume of the Encyclopedia Britannica(?). If you don't, yet, have a Merck Manual, see the 3rd link (do not get the Home Edition) - you should be able to buy a, fairly, recent one for a $10 investment, including postage. You can, also, access this online at link 4.
Michigan is best!
Michigan State, then Wayne State, then Detroit Mercy. In addition to being prepared for med school, you need a school with more of a national reputation, so that it will be respected in the admissions process.
Friday, February 18, 2011
are there any colleges or schools that offer the lpn program in Detroit Michigan ?
are there any colleges or schools that offer the lpn program in Detroit Michigan ?
Higher Education (University +) - 0 Answers
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what a ipn
Higher Education (University +) - 0 Answers
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what a ipn
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Murder Rate For Detroit Michigan Last Year?
Murder Rate For Detroit Michigan Last Year?
what can i say, school work blaaah blaaah. just lemme know if you find it. i cant
Law & Ethics - 2 Answers
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Detroit's new Police Chief Warren Evans says 216 people have been murdered in Detroit so far this year (2009), up nearly 20 percent from 2008. Sounds like the wild west there
The right to bear arms must have a dimension to this figure and others in the US. The time has come for this to be taken seriously.
what can i say, school work blaaah blaaah. just lemme know if you find it. i cant
Law & Ethics - 2 Answers
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Detroit's new Police Chief Warren Evans says 216 people have been murdered in Detroit so far this year (2009), up nearly 20 percent from 2008. Sounds like the wild west there
The right to bear arms must have a dimension to this figure and others in the US. The time has come for this to be taken seriously.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Whats a Good Online Homeschool Program in Detroit Michigan?
Whats a Good Online Homeschool Program in Detroit Michigan?
Whats a Good Online Homeschool Program in Detroit Michigan? I heard of k12, I am a 10th grader is that a good homeschooling program, Is it hard? Also is it online? Cause I want to do it online at home, a tutor would be great as well, my mom is not that highly educated so she cant teach me. I am currently a sophomore in High School. School has started on September 7th 2010, like 3 days of school has passed that I haven't went yet. I am planning on going to Homeschool. The only problem is, is that I don't know whats a good HomeSchooling Program for a 10th Grader. It has to be online, and I'm not ready to put up with the High School Crap in my current school, the kid's over there act so childish and annoying, it's pitiful. Also leave me a price of the Homeschool program, and also let me know if it's a good Home Schooling Program, and easy to Sign Up. I am noob with this homeschool thing, so I'm like a cave man with fire. Also leave the price and a phone number of it, Thanks!! I really appreciate it!
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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use abeka academy
Whats a Good Online Homeschool Program in Detroit Michigan? I heard of k12, I am a 10th grader is that a good homeschooling program, Is it hard? Also is it online? Cause I want to do it online at home, a tutor would be great as well, my mom is not that highly educated so she cant teach me. I am currently a sophomore in High School. School has started on September 7th 2010, like 3 days of school has passed that I haven't went yet. I am planning on going to Homeschool. The only problem is, is that I don't know whats a good HomeSchooling Program for a 10th Grader. It has to be online, and I'm not ready to put up with the High School Crap in my current school, the kid's over there act so childish and annoying, it's pitiful. Also leave me a price of the Homeschool program, and also let me know if it's a good Home Schooling Program, and easy to Sign Up. I am noob with this homeschool thing, so I'm like a cave man with fire. Also leave the price and a phone number of it, Thanks!! I really appreciate it!
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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use abeka academy
Saturday, February 12, 2011
schools for down syndrome students in detroit michigan?
schools for down syndrome students in detroit michigan?
Special Education - 1 Answers
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a lot of parents of children with down syndrome are mainstreaming the kids into regular classes with the help of teacher's this not an option in your situation? if your counties department of health and family services they should be able to help you get in contact with a school in your area, if there is one. in Wisconsin we have lakeland school, which is a special needs school. Our school district would have provided the transportation since it is 25 miles from our home, but in our case we opted to send our son to regular school. he is now in an early intervention program in our kindergarten school and doing fantastic! I hope all works out for you!
Special Education - 1 Answers
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a lot of parents of children with down syndrome are mainstreaming the kids into regular classes with the help of teacher's this not an option in your situation? if your counties department of health and family services they should be able to help you get in contact with a school in your area, if there is one. in Wisconsin we have lakeland school, which is a special needs school. Our school district would have provided the transportation since it is 25 miles from our home, but in our case we opted to send our son to regular school. he is now in an early intervention program in our kindergarten school and doing fantastic! I hope all works out for you!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
i dropped out of school how do i get a work permit?
i dropped out of school how do i get a work permit?
Im 17, I dropped out at 16. I don't know how to get a work permit I live in Detroit Michigan anybody know how I could get a work permit besides school or any where I could get 1. I keep seeing Dept. Of Labor but can you get 1 from there please help me out.
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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of course he is from detroit wow how about you re-enroll so you can get a real job to provide for yourself when your parents are gone you dumb s*** thats the intelligent thing to do
I don't know about in Michigan, but once you are 16 you shouldn't need a work permit unless you are in from outside the US. There could also be a Job Corps in your area. There you could learn a trade and get room and board. They could also give you an allowance. You can join from the time you are 16-24. I would check with the Labor Dept to make sure about needing a work permit after 16, but I don't really think you need one.
Im 17, I dropped out at 16. I don't know how to get a work permit I live in Detroit Michigan anybody know how I could get a work permit besides school or any where I could get 1. I keep seeing Dept. Of Labor but can you get 1 from there please help me out.
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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of course he is from detroit wow how about you re-enroll so you can get a real job to provide for yourself when your parents are gone you dumb s*** thats the intelligent thing to do
I don't know about in Michigan, but once you are 16 you shouldn't need a work permit unless you are in from outside the US. There could also be a Job Corps in your area. There you could learn a trade and get room and board. They could also give you an allowance. You can join from the time you are 16-24. I would check with the Labor Dept to make sure about needing a work permit after 16, but I don't really think you need one.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Are there any flair bartending schools in Michigan?
Are there any flair bartending schools in Michigan?
I'm looking for a flair bartending school in Michigan. Somewhere around Detroit or maybe even upper Ohio. Thank you.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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I'm looking for a flair bartending school in Michigan. Somewhere around Detroit or maybe even upper Ohio. Thank you.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Sunday, February 6, 2011
Should I move to Detroit, Michigan USA?
Should I move to Detroit, Michigan USA?
I am very interested in moving to Detroit, Michigan USA with my family. My reasons for moving to Detroit is because my friend Henry tells me that that; 1. Detroit and Michigan has a Strong Economy and one of the best economies in the country. 2. Detroit has a low crime rate and is very safe at nighttime. 3. Detroit has excellent mass transportation like the transportation you would see in Chicago with buses and trians. 4. Detroit has excellent public schools with excellent education. 5. Detroit's goverment cares about the people of Detroit and Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick enjoy helping Detroit Residents. 6. Detroit has great entertainment in Downtown Detroit with lots of shopping, retail, and restaurants. 7. Detroit is a very clean city. What are some other advantages of living in Detroit, Michigan USA? Are there any disadvantages. I am interested in working in the automotive industry and I am moving from Georgia.
Detroit - 11 Answers
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I think your friend is on drugs. Detroit has one of the worst economies in the country and housing is collapsing there almost faster than anywhere else other than California and Florida. Crime? WOW, Just wait! The US auto industry is in really bad shape despite Ford's blip. The Asians are just too strong on producing what people need. Good luck.
Very funny, in Georgia you will have the same problems, lets be honest Atlanta is the new Detroit of the south. Ford is posting profits eat our dust.
The advice your friend Henry gave to you is not true. First, Michigan has a very weak economy and there are Detroit's economy is in horrible condition. Second, Detroit is the most dangerous city in Michigan. Third, Mass Transportation, what Mass Transportation. The only mass transportation Detroit has as the automobiles people drive that eat up your cash. Fourth, if Detroit has excellent schools, why did Detroit Public Schools have to close so many schools in 2007? Fifth, If Detroit government cared about its citizens, why are so many citizens leaving? Sixth, Detroit has very little entertainment downtown and is not like Atlanta or Savannah. Finally, Detroit is DIRTY. The city is not clean at all. Take my advice and do not move to Detroit, you will be sorry if you do.
LOL! You can't be serious!
Well Detroit also has golden sidewalks and rains hundred dollar bills!
You should move to Detroit, but not for all of the reasons above. Right now, Detroit (and the whole state of MI) economy is in the toilet. But, the auto industry will rebound (it can't sink much lower), as evidenced by Ford's 1st profit in 2 yrs announced today. Detroit has a large base of available labor, which means that companies may move to snap up folks looking for work. The positive side of the slow economy is that you can get excellent housing for much less than you might pay in other areas. (for what I pay in Brooklyn, I could afford a mansion in Detroit) And, if you are a business owner, there is a ready and cheap pool of labor. Detroit does have a great tradition of music, arts, design and entertainment, not to mention sports. Motown and House Music are Detroit products, as are Madonna, Eminem, the White Stripes and Bob Seger. The Saarinens were based outside Detroit for decades, and the area also has important buildings from Frank Lloyd Wright, Louis Kahn, Minoru Yamasaki and others, along with Diego Rivera's best fresco north of the Rio Grande. Unless you are a football fan, you can catch excellent sports with the Red Wings, Pistons, Tigers and Shock. (alas the Lions have sucked for decades) I believe that right now is an excellent time to invest in Detroit and to be sitting pretty when wannabes come in 10 years, struggling to make their place.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT MOVE HERE! ahhhhhhhhh.....ok this is a joke.....i get it
I wouldnt move nessicasrely to detroit.The surrounding cities are very nice.Detroit doesnt have the best economy but not the worst either.There are still plenty of jobs in the auto industry.and honestly none of my family or friends have had trouble getting a good job.Outside of detroit it is safe and clean depending where u go.Around the macomb county area is a good place.Though buses are not vry common around that area.There are alot of entertainment in downtown detroit.Alot of plays and theaters and sporting events.The auto show is held down ther every year.As many festivals are too.During the day detroit isnt that bad of a city.But i would stay away from it at night. My suggestions would be to move to a city surrouding detroit.Cost of living is really not that high and getting a good job shouldnt be so hard.Good luck!
SETTING: The time is 1987 and the Big 3 are posting profits all around but nobody wanted to work together in Southeast Michigan as there was no vision for the future. Michigan's economy was superb and Detroit had a great bond rating. Hazel Park and Highland Park stood on their own without supervision from the state. The crime rate was only exposed when people did crazy things at major events-Think the International Freedom Festival Fireworks Bus services were provided by D-DOT in the city and SEMTA to the burbs DPS builds extensions to existing schools in many areas. Coleman Young still observes the 8 Mile line and creates disharmony along with L Brooks Patterson his archrival-they had more in common that most people will admit. Both enjoyed the separation of the city from the Oakland county along its border. Although Macomb also bordered Patterson and Young loudly vocalize their grievances Hudson's is closed but festivals at Hart Plaza and tentative plans for Campus Martius emerge. Bid for 2007 Super Bowl is won along with a host of other entertainment biggies! Casinos become the focus of revitilization with no supporters! Downtown is cleaned meticously after every weekend festival and downtown employees only know about the mess left from the crowds if they attend the festivals. One advantage: Empowerment Zones are in starting to be discussed. "East Side" is unofficial Empowerment Zone with a ton of development taking place that is unknown to its "West Side" Neighbors who are watching the deterioation of Grand River and Greenfield before their eyes after Kingsway leaves. Footnote-The Honorable Coleman A Young died 10 years later in November 1997. ARE YOUR BAGS PACKED YET :-)
The only one that might be true is number 6. Detroit isn't a terrible city but your friend lied to you. Detroit is trying to clean up its act though.
You need to stay in Georgia because the job industry here especially automotive is down right now. Almost everything he said is just the opposite.
I am very interested in moving to Detroit, Michigan USA with my family. My reasons for moving to Detroit is because my friend Henry tells me that that; 1. Detroit and Michigan has a Strong Economy and one of the best economies in the country. 2. Detroit has a low crime rate and is very safe at nighttime. 3. Detroit has excellent mass transportation like the transportation you would see in Chicago with buses and trians. 4. Detroit has excellent public schools with excellent education. 5. Detroit's goverment cares about the people of Detroit and Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick enjoy helping Detroit Residents. 6. Detroit has great entertainment in Downtown Detroit with lots of shopping, retail, and restaurants. 7. Detroit is a very clean city. What are some other advantages of living in Detroit, Michigan USA? Are there any disadvantages. I am interested in working in the automotive industry and I am moving from Georgia.
Detroit - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
I think your friend is on drugs. Detroit has one of the worst economies in the country and housing is collapsing there almost faster than anywhere else other than California and Florida. Crime? WOW, Just wait! The US auto industry is in really bad shape despite Ford's blip. The Asians are just too strong on producing what people need. Good luck.
Very funny, in Georgia you will have the same problems, lets be honest Atlanta is the new Detroit of the south. Ford is posting profits eat our dust.
The advice your friend Henry gave to you is not true. First, Michigan has a very weak economy and there are Detroit's economy is in horrible condition. Second, Detroit is the most dangerous city in Michigan. Third, Mass Transportation, what Mass Transportation. The only mass transportation Detroit has as the automobiles people drive that eat up your cash. Fourth, if Detroit has excellent schools, why did Detroit Public Schools have to close so many schools in 2007? Fifth, If Detroit government cared about its citizens, why are so many citizens leaving? Sixth, Detroit has very little entertainment downtown and is not like Atlanta or Savannah. Finally, Detroit is DIRTY. The city is not clean at all. Take my advice and do not move to Detroit, you will be sorry if you do.
LOL! You can't be serious!
Well Detroit also has golden sidewalks and rains hundred dollar bills!
You should move to Detroit, but not for all of the reasons above. Right now, Detroit (and the whole state of MI) economy is in the toilet. But, the auto industry will rebound (it can't sink much lower), as evidenced by Ford's 1st profit in 2 yrs announced today. Detroit has a large base of available labor, which means that companies may move to snap up folks looking for work. The positive side of the slow economy is that you can get excellent housing for much less than you might pay in other areas. (for what I pay in Brooklyn, I could afford a mansion in Detroit) And, if you are a business owner, there is a ready and cheap pool of labor. Detroit does have a great tradition of music, arts, design and entertainment, not to mention sports. Motown and House Music are Detroit products, as are Madonna, Eminem, the White Stripes and Bob Seger. The Saarinens were based outside Detroit for decades, and the area also has important buildings from Frank Lloyd Wright, Louis Kahn, Minoru Yamasaki and others, along with Diego Rivera's best fresco north of the Rio Grande. Unless you are a football fan, you can catch excellent sports with the Red Wings, Pistons, Tigers and Shock. (alas the Lions have sucked for decades) I believe that right now is an excellent time to invest in Detroit and to be sitting pretty when wannabes come in 10 years, struggling to make their place.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT MOVE HERE! ahhhhhhhhh.....ok this is a joke.....i get it
I wouldnt move nessicasrely to detroit.The surrounding cities are very nice.Detroit doesnt have the best economy but not the worst either.There are still plenty of jobs in the auto industry.and honestly none of my family or friends have had trouble getting a good job.Outside of detroit it is safe and clean depending where u go.Around the macomb county area is a good place.Though buses are not vry common around that area.There are alot of entertainment in downtown detroit.Alot of plays and theaters and sporting events.The auto show is held down ther every year.As many festivals are too.During the day detroit isnt that bad of a city.But i would stay away from it at night. My suggestions would be to move to a city surrouding detroit.Cost of living is really not that high and getting a good job shouldnt be so hard.Good luck!
SETTING: The time is 1987 and the Big 3 are posting profits all around but nobody wanted to work together in Southeast Michigan as there was no vision for the future. Michigan's economy was superb and Detroit had a great bond rating. Hazel Park and Highland Park stood on their own without supervision from the state. The crime rate was only exposed when people did crazy things at major events-Think the International Freedom Festival Fireworks Bus services were provided by D-DOT in the city and SEMTA to the burbs DPS builds extensions to existing schools in many areas. Coleman Young still observes the 8 Mile line and creates disharmony along with L Brooks Patterson his archrival-they had more in common that most people will admit. Both enjoyed the separation of the city from the Oakland county along its border. Although Macomb also bordered Patterson and Young loudly vocalize their grievances Hudson's is closed but festivals at Hart Plaza and tentative plans for Campus Martius emerge. Bid for 2007 Super Bowl is won along with a host of other entertainment biggies! Casinos become the focus of revitilization with no supporters! Downtown is cleaned meticously after every weekend festival and downtown employees only know about the mess left from the crowds if they attend the festivals. One advantage: Empowerment Zones are in starting to be discussed. "East Side" is unofficial Empowerment Zone with a ton of development taking place that is unknown to its "West Side" Neighbors who are watching the deterioation of Grand River and Greenfield before their eyes after Kingsway leaves. Footnote-The Honorable Coleman A Young died 10 years later in November 1997. ARE YOUR BAGS PACKED YET :-)
The only one that might be true is number 6. Detroit isn't a terrible city but your friend lied to you. Detroit is trying to clean up its act though.
You need to stay in Georgia because the job industry here especially automotive is down right now. Almost everything he said is just the opposite.
Friday, February 4, 2011
medical assistant salary in detroit michigan?
medical assistant salary in detroit michigan?
I am going to school to become a medical assistant. I looking on the internet i see so many different rangs in salary can anyone tell me how much they really make. my teacher said anywhere from 12 to 18 an hour but i got a friend that only making 9 an hour. whats the deal?
Health Care - 1 Answers
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Yea man medical assistant was one of options but i scratched it off the list when i was being told to strive for something higher dont settle for the low wage so now im thinking of nursing. what im saying its not a very good paying job but if its really what you want to do go for it!
I am going to school to become a medical assistant. I looking on the internet i see so many different rangs in salary can anyone tell me how much they really make. my teacher said anywhere from 12 to 18 an hour but i got a friend that only making 9 an hour. whats the deal?
Health Care - 1 Answers
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Yea man medical assistant was one of options but i scratched it off the list when i was being told to strive for something higher dont settle for the low wage so now im thinking of nursing. what im saying its not a very good paying job but if its really what you want to do go for it!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Are There Any Cooking Classes Near the Detroit Michigan Area?
Are There Any Cooking Classes Near the Detroit Michigan Area?
Hi, currently I am looking to gain expierence in Culinary arts before attending college for it, and would like to know if anyone knows any resturants that offer cooking classes, or if any schools or organzations offer them as well? I am a highschool Jr. and planning to make cooking my life, I want to be a chef and this is really important to me so I am asking for help.
Detroit - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Detroit = big city. Yeah. I would think so. Try looking in the YELLOW PAGES under "COOKING SCHOOLS".
Most of the community colleges offer a number of different types of cooking classes. Try either the Wayne County Community College, Oakland Community College, or Schoolcraft College. It all depends on where you live. I live in the western suburbs (Livonia) and I know for a fact that Schoolcraft has numerous cooking classes. Bon Appetite
I would try some adult education classes or college courses. Also, I would definitely try to find a "ServSafe" class somewhere. Here are some options: The MSU Extension Office/Washtenaw County is offering a ServSafe class: Washtenaw Community College has culinary arts classes that can be applied toward a degree or certificate. You may even be able to dual enroll and get both high school and college credit while still in high school: Monroe County Community College has some non-credit, "life-long learning" classes: Again, I would check out classes through your local Adult and Community Education Department, MSU Extension Office, local community college, etc. Good luck!
Obviously, you know that Schoolcraft is THE place to go in the area for Culinary School, right? But, I believe that you're looking for someplace to go that is not actually a college level class - that is, you want to go to one at a restaurant BEFORE you actually go to culinary school, correct? If that is the case, the Free Press often lists short classes in their Living section - I know that Jeremy Restaurant in Keego Harbor has had some classes - Also Kitchen Glamour (it's a kitchen appliance store) always advertises classes. Other restaurants that I've seen advertise are that place in Milford that used to be Five Lakes Grill (I think it's Mexican now, so maybe they don't have the classes anymore). Also Bonnie's Kitchen on Telegraph has classes - I think it's near Maple now - Used to be closer to 12 Mile - mostly pastries, I thought. There's also a place I've noticed in Northville - Scottie's Kitchen. Also, I read about an Indian woman who does cooking classes out of her house - you might Google that on the Freep site. Another thought - there's a place on the east side - Clinton Twp or Utica - J. Baldwins or Baldwins - that I've heard of too.
383 Pine Ridge Drive Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 Curious Cooks Home Cooking with Panache Join us for cooking classes! Learn the secrets of flavor class schedule Chef Lynn now has a blog:
Hi, currently I am looking to gain expierence in Culinary arts before attending college for it, and would like to know if anyone knows any resturants that offer cooking classes, or if any schools or organzations offer them as well? I am a highschool Jr. and planning to make cooking my life, I want to be a chef and this is really important to me so I am asking for help.
Detroit - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Detroit = big city. Yeah. I would think so. Try looking in the YELLOW PAGES under "COOKING SCHOOLS".
Most of the community colleges offer a number of different types of cooking classes. Try either the Wayne County Community College, Oakland Community College, or Schoolcraft College. It all depends on where you live. I live in the western suburbs (Livonia) and I know for a fact that Schoolcraft has numerous cooking classes. Bon Appetite
I would try some adult education classes or college courses. Also, I would definitely try to find a "ServSafe" class somewhere. Here are some options: The MSU Extension Office/Washtenaw County is offering a ServSafe class: Washtenaw Community College has culinary arts classes that can be applied toward a degree or certificate. You may even be able to dual enroll and get both high school and college credit while still in high school: Monroe County Community College has some non-credit, "life-long learning" classes: Again, I would check out classes through your local Adult and Community Education Department, MSU Extension Office, local community college, etc. Good luck!
Obviously, you know that Schoolcraft is THE place to go in the area for Culinary School, right? But, I believe that you're looking for someplace to go that is not actually a college level class - that is, you want to go to one at a restaurant BEFORE you actually go to culinary school, correct? If that is the case, the Free Press often lists short classes in their Living section - I know that Jeremy Restaurant in Keego Harbor has had some classes - Also Kitchen Glamour (it's a kitchen appliance store) always advertises classes. Other restaurants that I've seen advertise are that place in Milford that used to be Five Lakes Grill (I think it's Mexican now, so maybe they don't have the classes anymore). Also Bonnie's Kitchen on Telegraph has classes - I think it's near Maple now - Used to be closer to 12 Mile - mostly pastries, I thought. There's also a place I've noticed in Northville - Scottie's Kitchen. Also, I read about an Indian woman who does cooking classes out of her house - you might Google that on the Freep site. Another thought - there's a place on the east side - Clinton Twp or Utica - J. Baldwins or Baldwins - that I've heard of too.
383 Pine Ridge Drive Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 Curious Cooks Home Cooking with Panache Join us for cooking classes! Learn the secrets of flavor class schedule Chef Lynn now has a blog:
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