Is it because the unions own the state? Is it because Granholm is the most incompetent governor in the country? Is it because corruption is a way of life here (see Detroit city council, mayor, school system, etc)? Should we simply blame the Lions for stinking up the place for 50 plus years?? What are your thoughts?
Government - 9 Answers
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I always thought the whole USA was a big basket case.
I never really thought about it before, but yeah, I think you are absolutely correct. It's the Detroit Lions fault.
Free trade. Thank conservatives who care more about saving 10 cents on a bobble head than their fellow American.
Unions are the major players here.
It is ran by unions and tax and spend Dems
I do not feel it is in the basket at all, but to blame the Lions is just cruel they have enough problems already
Unions=corruption. Sheesh? Watch movies. This is one aspect the liberal entertainment industry is not smart enough to keep a lid on--plus it sells.
Being a Michigan resident I would have to say Grandholm by a mile. But then again what would one expect from a person growing up in Canada and learning the Canadian way instead of the American way. Her ONLY policy seems to be hike those taxes, on individuals, on business's, on consumer doing so, many companies have LEFT the State, as well as our young College Graduates since the business climate is dire. The crumbling of the automakers and its unions just broke the camels back, as this State has been in trouble for a long while. Grandholm seems to wait until the very last minute, threatening us citizens by threatening to cut back on the police and the schools.................when all that needs to be done is reign in the forever growing Government. I would love to see "part time" representatives in this State. I would also like to see the revamping of all Gov't/Education/Police/Fire Dept retirements and health care take a different route than we taxpayers footing the bill.
yes yes and yes, its all the democrates, and if you noticed all the liberal democrates are the same and they do the same everywhere they go, look at any blue state and see if its not the same, michigan is ground zero and its spreading outwards to a blue state near you.