So far my grade point average is well, average is about a 3.3 - 3.7, and i do have a lot of extra circular activities that i do such as Tennis (Varsity), Wrestling (Varsity), also I manage the Girls Tennis Team. But my downturn is the ACT score.. I got a 16. So I was wondering what should i do? Re-take? If so any sites for practice and so on? Is there anything else I could do to make the school considering accepting me? Even with the low ACT score.... Thank You, Any help would be great-full.
Financial Aid - 1 Answers
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You should re-take it. How about considering to take SAT? You might do better since there is no science section. Send me an email and we can try to work something out soon to bring you a score that you can aim for. You should not solely aim for "admission" for the colleges. You should aim for scores that will get you in AND provide good scholarships. Remember, you're not going to the college for just a year; four years...