I'm looking for information on Detroit in the Springwells / Delray area?
I'm looking for information on housing, school systems, demographics etc. in Detroit, Michigan. Specifically around Central Avenue and DIX Street. From what I've heard, its impoverished and unsafe. I'm now looking for peoples' more personal experiences with this. What was it like growing up / raising kids there? How do you think you could have benefitted from being in another part of the country? I'm curious because I was born there and placed for adoption when I was one year old. I now live in NYC, but I'm curious as to what my life would have been like. If there's anything you feel is important to add that I didn't think to ask, please do! Thanks everyone.
Detroit - 2 Answers
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in the 20's 30's, 40's and 50's it was a hard working lower to middle class decent area in the 60's things changed its hard to say what your life would have been like if you hadnt been put up for adoption more info about Delray http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delray,_Detroit
It's a very industrial part of the city. Delray used to be the Hungarian part of the city.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Looking for information on Detroit
Looking for information on Detroit?
I'm looking for information on housing, school systems, demographics etc. in Detroit, Michigan. Specifically around Central Avenue and DIX Street. From what I've heard, its impoverished and unsafe. I'm now looking for peoples' more personal experiences with this. What was it like growing up / raising kids there? How do you think you could have benefitted from being in another part of the country? I'm curious because I was born there and placed for adoption when I was one year old. I now live in NYC, but I'm curious as to what my life would have been like. If there's anything you feel is important to add that I didn't think to ask, please do! Thanks everyone.
Detroit - 1 Answers
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Detroit is a very cultural place, but it's a dying city in fact. The crime is going up, the Big 3 auto companies are going down, and population is gradually decreasing. The city is dying but still staying strong. Detroit is a great place but in the right spots of Detroit. There is no crime in some of the nicer parts of Detroit and in some of the Suburbs but once you get into the city it's a lot of crime indeed. The bad parts of Detroit are currently ranked 6 in the nation on crime out of 25 cities (as of 2007). Overall in the right spots you won't get as much crime as you do in the city. I didn't live there as a kid growing up and I currently don't live there but I would make a lot of visits and I had family there growing up. If I did live there probably, I would have grown up very fond of staying alert of the streets and where I would have been when I was younger, because of the crime but I would have also learned about cultural difference in places like Detroit and accepted more diverse of crowds of people. Overall, I think if I did live there it would have been no different from how I was raised but probably more strict on what I could do alone because of the crime rate. Schooling is good in Detroit, and there is a lot of public schools so I think I would've gotten a decent education. Although Detroit is slowly dying, it's still a very nice and cultural place but it needs a lot of work to get it started back up again.
I'm looking for information on housing, school systems, demographics etc. in Detroit, Michigan. Specifically around Central Avenue and DIX Street. From what I've heard, its impoverished and unsafe. I'm now looking for peoples' more personal experiences with this. What was it like growing up / raising kids there? How do you think you could have benefitted from being in another part of the country? I'm curious because I was born there and placed for adoption when I was one year old. I now live in NYC, but I'm curious as to what my life would have been like. If there's anything you feel is important to add that I didn't think to ask, please do! Thanks everyone.
Detroit - 1 Answers
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Detroit is a very cultural place, but it's a dying city in fact. The crime is going up, the Big 3 auto companies are going down, and population is gradually decreasing. The city is dying but still staying strong. Detroit is a great place but in the right spots of Detroit. There is no crime in some of the nicer parts of Detroit and in some of the Suburbs but once you get into the city it's a lot of crime indeed. The bad parts of Detroit are currently ranked 6 in the nation on crime out of 25 cities (as of 2007). Overall in the right spots you won't get as much crime as you do in the city. I didn't live there as a kid growing up and I currently don't live there but I would make a lot of visits and I had family there growing up. If I did live there probably, I would have grown up very fond of staying alert of the streets and where I would have been when I was younger, because of the crime but I would have also learned about cultural difference in places like Detroit and accepted more diverse of crowds of people. Overall, I think if I did live there it would have been no different from how I was raised but probably more strict on what I could do alone because of the crime rate. Schooling is good in Detroit, and there is a lot of public schools so I think I would've gotten a decent education. Although Detroit is slowly dying, it's still a very nice and cultural place but it needs a lot of work to get it started back up again.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
i need a good dentist in michigan,porthuron-detroit,that takes medicade,?
i need a good dentist in michigan,porthuron-detroit,that takes medicade,?
im currently on ssi and ive got medicade and i really need to find a dentest that takes medicade,i really need a deep cleaning but my current dentest wants over 250.00 ,that ill never have,,to do it,he says medicade dont cover deepcleaning i cant see why not?they caver everthing else!medicade acullay did something like went with hmo providers.dentist,schools,any thing else that might be able to help me out would be great.
Dental - 1 Answers
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Try the University of Michigan or University of Detroit-Mercy. They can provide good dental treatment for around half of what private dentists charge.
im currently on ssi and ive got medicade and i really need to find a dentest that takes medicade,i really need a deep cleaning but my current dentest wants over 250.00 ,that ill never have,,to do it,he says medicade dont cover deepcleaning i cant see why not?they caver everthing else!medicade acullay did something like went with hmo providers.dentist,schools,any thing else that might be able to help me out would be great.
Dental - 1 Answers
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Try the University of Michigan or University of Detroit-Mercy. They can provide good dental treatment for around half of what private dentists charge.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Can the state of Michigan take over the City Of Detroit?
Can the state of Michigan take over the City Of Detroit?
Only Michigan residents, you don't have to live in the city, you can live anywhere in Michigan. With all that has happened and is happening to Detroit should the state take over for the city's own good? I'm a 20 year old resident and it kills me to see my hometown like this, the neighborhood I lived in on the westside is no longer recognizable from what it once was. The schol system is in shambles, with the exception of a few good schools.The city is in need of police officers, people we only have 1800 officers for a city of 900+. Am I the only one that see's something wrong with that? Sure the downtown is the "crystal ball" of SE michigan, with its entertainment and sporting events. The city goverenment have proven to the entire state that they would incapable of running a pre-school class properly. I mean its just sick, whenever I go to school (EMU) people ask me where I'm from, and I say Detroit, then they atomactically assume Im from the "HOOD" like thats cool or something...What will it take for the city t wake up from its slumber of 40 odd years? can the residents, such as myself (for the time being) save the city? or should the state step in like they dare trying to do with Pontiac? Please explain your reason? 900+ = 900,000+ I left that out
Detroit - 8 Answers
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okay, so I'm not from there but my mum is. Detroit/Michigan is a second home to me and I agree with you. I hate seeing it like it is. People ask 'where's your mum from she has a different accent' and I say 'detroit' and the totally think that she's from this crazy bad place. I think that more officers are needed first of all, the state should start working with that and if more help is needed then to step in fully.
First of all: Back about 15 years ago, there was a new class at the police academy every few months (even with the residency requirement). That changed drastically when Our Esteemed Leader decided to be a short-sighted j@ack@ss, funneling money away from the civil services sector (fire, as well as police). And it only got worse with his reelection. There hasn't been a new class at the academy in years, I believe (don't quote me on that one, but I do know it's dropped to next-to-nothing) - instead, there have been layoffs and precinct closures (I've never understood how that makes sense!). Now, the cops who are left are working their tails off trying to cover the whole city. They're working double and triple overtime, and have for quite a while now. Any first grader can tell you that's absolutely ridiculous and unsafe - just asking for disaster. *knock on wood* ...That rant's over... Second: It's hard to institute good changes when a majority of residents/voters have a "poor me. why should I bother? it's going to happen anyway" attitude, instead of trying to help turn the place around. Look at the last election - there was barely any turnout, because too many people thought "it's a done deal, my vote doesn't matter". The city needs more people like you to get together, step up, and get others to face reality/take control of the situation - but legally. I'm not saying there should be a mutiny or another riot, but something's gotta give. I just hope it changes for good. Third: I don't know the legalities. Can the state take over? Would you want Jenny From the Block to take over, anyway? She has the magic touch of turning everything to cr@p. (I wouldn't trust that woman to take over ditch digging detail, even.) Great civic-minded question. Star for you.
That wouldn't be a bad idea if Granholm was NOT in office. Other then that I don't see her being any more competent than Kwamie and Coleman.
Maybe. But as another poster said, Two-Penny Jenny wouldn't be much of an improvement.I get depressed when I see what's been happening to the city, especially since 1973 when Coleman Young got elected mayor. But for crying out loud, why are the City Council members elected at large, instead of by wards as happens in almost every other city on the planet? It can't be healthy to have the entire council living on the same block when there are neighborhoods that haven't had working streetlights since the riot.Can this be true? I've heard that if all the vacant land in Detroit were one parcel, it would be big enough to take in three cities the size of San Francisco. Damn, it's hard to believe that the D was once the most important city in the world.I'd like to stick around and chat some more, but I have a campaign to plan.
So true. I don't want to accuse anyone, but a "certain group of people" are responsible for running down communities from Detroit to Buena Vista to Benton Harbor to Flint. They just can't run it. They don't pay attention in school, they don't attempt to do anything properly. I'm from overseas, and I'm ashamed of them. I think Detroit would be much better off with a white person as the mayor. Dave Bing is quite possibly the wake-up call the city needs. If you want an African-American to run the city, he is an excellent choice. Unfortunately, who will Detroit elect after him? Granholm is the saddest governor ever. I was a little wary of her during the election, and in her first year, I was convinced she was a fool. She has no real plan. She is a diehard liberal, through and through. That's her main agenda. Michigan cannot see this though. It's a shame. She needs to be recalled. DeVos would've been a much better choice. I'm not saying that as a Republican, I'm saying it as someone that thinks Michigan needs CHANGE.
Like 2 penny jenny needs more crap on her plate to screw up! I,m a detroit born person, grandma lived in highland park near the old sears store,my dad had a drycleaning corperation right on woodward and rosedale,and I still go to the city for entertainment, but the people have no hope left, you can change the guard, but it's the people that make the city, I don't have a answer, it seems like just when you think their on a comeback, the bottom falls out AGAIN! How much can these people endure? City council is a joke. I wonder what would happen if L. Brooks Patterson was mayor. the residents need hope and help, I don't know of any body who can make it all come back together, Maybe the new mayor can fix it, but that's a long road. It's sad to see it decay the way it has, I remember the motown days when times were good. sorry I got lost for a bit there. Bulldoze it and start over! Great question, complicated solution!
I'd have to say that I don't think either option is good. 1. Detroit City Council members only care about their private agendas. Its about power & control & not whats best for business owners, attracting new clients or the people living in the city. They've made every issue personal & with a religious twist. 2. Gov. Grandholm is no better, she had overworked state FIA workers. She has taken away support from adoptive parents. She spent 500,000 on NEW license plates...wtf?! She has her own agendas. The bottom line is that the govt. is failing us in every way & there has to be a 3rd solution for things to get better.
legally yes,, but I do not want that to happen. With the current Govern in Office the city of Detroit will die in a flash. The only Solution is for the residents to start giving a darn and working for a living instead of off the welfare,,( i am sorry I had offend any body to is doing there best to get off the system) Another factor that is must is jobs,, with the Auto industry dying , there must be some other way to bring money to the state and the city. It was suggested a long time ago way before any of us were born that Detroit be a commercial fishing port. Also we have salt mines under the city ,, another way to make money and jobs but that is not hap pong. Another factor is education,, How may children want to builders workers or teachers when they grow up not many.
Only Michigan residents, you don't have to live in the city, you can live anywhere in Michigan. With all that has happened and is happening to Detroit should the state take over for the city's own good? I'm a 20 year old resident and it kills me to see my hometown like this, the neighborhood I lived in on the westside is no longer recognizable from what it once was. The schol system is in shambles, with the exception of a few good schools.The city is in need of police officers, people we only have 1800 officers for a city of 900+. Am I the only one that see's something wrong with that? Sure the downtown is the "crystal ball" of SE michigan, with its entertainment and sporting events. The city goverenment have proven to the entire state that they would incapable of running a pre-school class properly. I mean its just sick, whenever I go to school (EMU) people ask me where I'm from, and I say Detroit, then they atomactically assume Im from the "HOOD" like thats cool or something...What will it take for the city t wake up from its slumber of 40 odd years? can the residents, such as myself (for the time being) save the city? or should the state step in like they dare trying to do with Pontiac? Please explain your reason? 900+ = 900,000+ I left that out
Detroit - 8 Answers
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okay, so I'm not from there but my mum is. Detroit/Michigan is a second home to me and I agree with you. I hate seeing it like it is. People ask 'where's your mum from she has a different accent' and I say 'detroit' and the totally think that she's from this crazy bad place. I think that more officers are needed first of all, the state should start working with that and if more help is needed then to step in fully.
First of all: Back about 15 years ago, there was a new class at the police academy every few months (even with the residency requirement). That changed drastically when Our Esteemed Leader decided to be a short-sighted j@ack@ss, funneling money away from the civil services sector (fire, as well as police). And it only got worse with his reelection. There hasn't been a new class at the academy in years, I believe (don't quote me on that one, but I do know it's dropped to next-to-nothing) - instead, there have been layoffs and precinct closures (I've never understood how that makes sense!). Now, the cops who are left are working their tails off trying to cover the whole city. They're working double and triple overtime, and have for quite a while now. Any first grader can tell you that's absolutely ridiculous and unsafe - just asking for disaster. *knock on wood* ...That rant's over... Second: It's hard to institute good changes when a majority of residents/voters have a "poor me. why should I bother? it's going to happen anyway" attitude, instead of trying to help turn the place around. Look at the last election - there was barely any turnout, because too many people thought "it's a done deal, my vote doesn't matter". The city needs more people like you to get together, step up, and get others to face reality/take control of the situation - but legally. I'm not saying there should be a mutiny or another riot, but something's gotta give. I just hope it changes for good. Third: I don't know the legalities. Can the state take over? Would you want Jenny From the Block to take over, anyway? She has the magic touch of turning everything to cr@p. (I wouldn't trust that woman to take over ditch digging detail, even.) Great civic-minded question. Star for you.
That wouldn't be a bad idea if Granholm was NOT in office. Other then that I don't see her being any more competent than Kwamie and Coleman.
Maybe. But as another poster said, Two-Penny Jenny wouldn't be much of an improvement.I get depressed when I see what's been happening to the city, especially since 1973 when Coleman Young got elected mayor. But for crying out loud, why are the City Council members elected at large, instead of by wards as happens in almost every other city on the planet? It can't be healthy to have the entire council living on the same block when there are neighborhoods that haven't had working streetlights since the riot.Can this be true? I've heard that if all the vacant land in Detroit were one parcel, it would be big enough to take in three cities the size of San Francisco. Damn, it's hard to believe that the D was once the most important city in the world.I'd like to stick around and chat some more, but I have a campaign to plan.
So true. I don't want to accuse anyone, but a "certain group of people" are responsible for running down communities from Detroit to Buena Vista to Benton Harbor to Flint. They just can't run it. They don't pay attention in school, they don't attempt to do anything properly. I'm from overseas, and I'm ashamed of them. I think Detroit would be much better off with a white person as the mayor. Dave Bing is quite possibly the wake-up call the city needs. If you want an African-American to run the city, he is an excellent choice. Unfortunately, who will Detroit elect after him? Granholm is the saddest governor ever. I was a little wary of her during the election, and in her first year, I was convinced she was a fool. She has no real plan. She is a diehard liberal, through and through. That's her main agenda. Michigan cannot see this though. It's a shame. She needs to be recalled. DeVos would've been a much better choice. I'm not saying that as a Republican, I'm saying it as someone that thinks Michigan needs CHANGE.
Like 2 penny jenny needs more crap on her plate to screw up! I,m a detroit born person, grandma lived in highland park near the old sears store,my dad had a drycleaning corperation right on woodward and rosedale,and I still go to the city for entertainment, but the people have no hope left, you can change the guard, but it's the people that make the city, I don't have a answer, it seems like just when you think their on a comeback, the bottom falls out AGAIN! How much can these people endure? City council is a joke. I wonder what would happen if L. Brooks Patterson was mayor. the residents need hope and help, I don't know of any body who can make it all come back together, Maybe the new mayor can fix it, but that's a long road. It's sad to see it decay the way it has, I remember the motown days when times were good. sorry I got lost for a bit there. Bulldoze it and start over! Great question, complicated solution!
I'd have to say that I don't think either option is good. 1. Detroit City Council members only care about their private agendas. Its about power & control & not whats best for business owners, attracting new clients or the people living in the city. They've made every issue personal & with a religious twist. 2. Gov. Grandholm is no better, she had overworked state FIA workers. She has taken away support from adoptive parents. She spent 500,000 on NEW license plates...wtf?! She has her own agendas. The bottom line is that the govt. is failing us in every way & there has to be a 3rd solution for things to get better.
legally yes,, but I do not want that to happen. With the current Govern in Office the city of Detroit will die in a flash. The only Solution is for the residents to start giving a darn and working for a living instead of off the welfare,,( i am sorry I had offend any body to is doing there best to get off the system) Another factor that is must is jobs,, with the Auto industry dying , there must be some other way to bring money to the state and the city. It was suggested a long time ago way before any of us were born that Detroit be a commercial fishing port. Also we have salt mines under the city ,, another way to make money and jobs but that is not hap pong. Another factor is education,, How may children want to builders workers or teachers when they grow up not many.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Do you know any horse schools in michigan?
Do you know any horse schools in michigan?
i dont want anything in Detroit! so kinda far and i will be getting it before 6 years from now, so hopefully a horse school that will be open for a Longgg time!
Horses - 2 Answers
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Michigan State has a horse riding program. You have your 4 years to look forward to, then after wards you could be an instructor! Keep your goals up! thanks aleechawa
Michigan State is the place to go in MI for any sort of serious collegiate studies relating to horses. SchoolCraft college has offered horse related courses in the past, though these are seminars for the general public and not degree programs for students--I am really not sure if they still have them or if they cold be counted towards undergrad credit hours. Findlay U is not too far out of MI in Ohio. As in, it wouldn't be unreasonable to drive home on weekends from time to time. Out of state tuition may be waved if you live in a county that borders Ohio-something you'd have to check in to.
i dont want anything in Detroit! so kinda far and i will be getting it before 6 years from now, so hopefully a horse school that will be open for a Longgg time!
Horses - 2 Answers
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Michigan State has a horse riding program. You have your 4 years to look forward to, then after wards you could be an instructor! Keep your goals up! thanks aleechawa
Michigan State is the place to go in MI for any sort of serious collegiate studies relating to horses. SchoolCraft college has offered horse related courses in the past, though these are seminars for the general public and not degree programs for students--I am really not sure if they still have them or if they cold be counted towards undergrad credit hours. Findlay U is not too far out of MI in Ohio. As in, it wouldn't be unreasonable to drive home on weekends from time to time. Out of state tuition may be waved if you live in a county that borders Ohio-something you'd have to check in to.
Monday, April 18, 2011
what school should i go to MICHIGAN STATE OR WAYNE STATE.?
what school should i go to MICHIGAN STATE OR WAYNE STATE.?
i was wondering which school i should go to. im thinking in a career in law or medicine(primarily optometry or physical therapy) im not 100% yet. i live in detroit too, don't stress the factor that i should go to wayne state just because i live by it though i just want the better school. i'm considering all parts of the school from education to greek life to partys(even though i know that state beats it in all categories). overall gimmie the school i should go to because im applying in the fall and i need to know. if you have other school recommendations let me know im not limited to michigan im willing to go to surrounding states such as chicago or something. but primarily these two schools i guess
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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MSU is generally considered a better undergraduate university than WSU. Also note that law is not an area you can study in undergraduate. Law school is a graduate level program, you need a bachelors degree before you can apply. Also note if you are accepted to MSU for undergrad you are NOT accepted to the law school too. You would have to apply to that separately after earning your bachelors degree. Best of luck!!!
Since both are graduate school. It does not matter where you go undergrad. Save your money and go where you can come out with the least amount of debt. www. apta.org
i was wondering which school i should go to. im thinking in a career in law or medicine(primarily optometry or physical therapy) im not 100% yet. i live in detroit too, don't stress the factor that i should go to wayne state just because i live by it though i just want the better school. i'm considering all parts of the school from education to greek life to partys(even though i know that state beats it in all categories). overall gimmie the school i should go to because im applying in the fall and i need to know. if you have other school recommendations let me know im not limited to michigan im willing to go to surrounding states such as chicago or something. but primarily these two schools i guess
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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MSU is generally considered a better undergraduate university than WSU. Also note that law is not an area you can study in undergraduate. Law school is a graduate level program, you need a bachelors degree before you can apply. Also note if you are accepted to MSU for undergrad you are NOT accepted to the law school too. You would have to apply to that separately after earning your bachelors degree. Best of luck!!!
Since both are graduate school. It does not matter where you go undergrad. Save your money and go where you can come out with the least amount of debt. www. apta.org
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Does anyone else on here have a snow day tomorrow?
Does anyone else on here have a snow day tomorrow?
We just got a foot of snow near Detroit, Michigan. My kids have no school tomorrow because of it. Does anyone else on here get the day off of school tomorrow??? Just curious to see how many do!
Weather - 3 Answers
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unfortunately no! =( i wish i did though i loveee the snow! its so pretty
I don't but I wish. It just rained here on Long Island,NY today. We have all nest week off so it doesn't matter and it's too early for a snow day though we only get one snow day a year. If we use more than we get days taken away from spring vacation. I'd rather have a day off in the spring than the winter.
I don't have a snow day, but a 2 hour delay
We just got a foot of snow near Detroit, Michigan. My kids have no school tomorrow because of it. Does anyone else on here get the day off of school tomorrow??? Just curious to see how many do!
Weather - 3 Answers
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unfortunately no! =( i wish i did though i loveee the snow! its so pretty
I don't but I wish. It just rained here on Long Island,NY today. We have all nest week off so it doesn't matter and it's too early for a snow day though we only get one snow day a year. If we use more than we get days taken away from spring vacation. I'd rather have a day off in the spring than the winter.
I don't have a snow day, but a 2 hour delay
Thursday, April 14, 2011
who is Reuben Alicea?
who is Reuben Alicea?
Trying to locate Ruben Alicea, a teacher or administrator in the detroit michigan school system.
Engineering - 1 Answers
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NEW FOREIGN LANGUAGE IMMERSION AND CULTURAL STUDIES SCHOOL 6501 W. Outer Dr. P: (313) 651-2400 Principal: Reuben Alicea Grades: Pre-K-8th Parents and students at FLICS select French, Spanish, Japanese or Chinese for nine years of study, beginning in Kindergarten. Elementary students receive most of their instruction in all subjects, all day, in the selected target language from teachers who are native speakers. FLICS has winners in the top 2 percent each year in the National French Contest. FLICS students have studied abroad in Africa, Asia as well as Central and South America.
Trying to locate Ruben Alicea, a teacher or administrator in the detroit michigan school system.
Engineering - 1 Answers
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NEW FOREIGN LANGUAGE IMMERSION AND CULTURAL STUDIES SCHOOL 6501 W. Outer Dr. P: (313) 651-2400 Principal: Reuben Alicea Grades: Pre-K-8th Parents and students at FLICS select French, Spanish, Japanese or Chinese for nine years of study, beginning in Kindergarten. Elementary students receive most of their instruction in all subjects, all day, in the selected target language from teachers who are native speakers. FLICS has winners in the top 2 percent each year in the National French Contest. FLICS students have studied abroad in Africa, Asia as well as Central and South America.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Can anyone tell me anything about Springwells Michigan? I think its in Detroit?
Can anyone tell me anything about Springwells Michigan? I think its in Detroit?
I'm interested in knowing what the area is like, is it a good place to raise children? What are the schools like? The houses? Is it a safe area or is there a high crime rate? What are the demographics? If there's anything else you can think of that you think is worth knowing about, please let me know. Thanks! I'm sorry I couldn't be more specific about the neighborhood... I'm looking around the area of Central Ave and DIX St.
Detroit - 2 Answers
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My map of Detroit shows a Springwells Street on the west side of the city, about a mile in from Dearborn. I used to go by there on occasion when I lived in the Detroit area, and as long as I kept moving, things weren't too bad. From what I saw, it was about as run-down as much of the rest of the city. If you don't have to go there, don't.
WARNING..DANGER... No this is not a safe area, no this is not a place to raise children, yes there is a very high crime rate. The surrounding area is mostly industrial. Before I get the remarks that I don't know the city. I was raised here, went to school for a majority of my childhood and still hang out in the city and have plenty of family that still live in the city. This is an area you want to avoid. To be honest the whole Detroit school system is taking a major beating right now with 50 more schools slated to close.
I'm interested in knowing what the area is like, is it a good place to raise children? What are the schools like? The houses? Is it a safe area or is there a high crime rate? What are the demographics? If there's anything else you can think of that you think is worth knowing about, please let me know. Thanks! I'm sorry I couldn't be more specific about the neighborhood... I'm looking around the area of Central Ave and DIX St.
Detroit - 2 Answers
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My map of Detroit shows a Springwells Street on the west side of the city, about a mile in from Dearborn. I used to go by there on occasion when I lived in the Detroit area, and as long as I kept moving, things weren't too bad. From what I saw, it was about as run-down as much of the rest of the city. If you don't have to go there, don't.
WARNING..DANGER... No this is not a safe area, no this is not a place to raise children, yes there is a very high crime rate. The surrounding area is mostly industrial. Before I get the remarks that I don't know the city. I was raised here, went to school for a majority of my childhood and still hang out in the city and have plenty of family that still live in the city. This is an area you want to avoid. To be honest the whole Detroit school system is taking a major beating right now with 50 more schools slated to close.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Michigan Home Schooling?
Michigan Home Schooling?
Over the past week I have asked many questions on yahoo answers, it has became my source for information as many people ask and respond on it. Anyone this question may be one of the most important. I am Junior now and really trying to get serious about my education. I currently reside in Detroit and their school system is just terrible. Every year its the same drama, same problems. Even though I just started school I can tell its going to be the same. The past year Michigan closed down several DPS. All the students from that area had to go to different schools, this means a number of gangs together. So my mom asked me if I wanted to be home schooled, of course we know nothing about it and I felt it was no better place to ask then YahooAnswers. Some of the questions we asked today are; 1. How do you get started. 2. How do colleges look at your if your home schooled. 3. Where do you purchase books. I may ask some more questions as I do more research, thanks in advance everyone.
Home Schooling - 3 Answers
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1. How do you get started. how do you get started eh...? well first you have to get books and other simple utencils and get junior grade books. 2. How do colleges look at your if your home schooled. i really cant answer this because i've never been homeschooled. 3. Where do you purchase books www.cheapbooks.com wonderful site for elementary/highschool books.
It's great that you want to take more responsibility for your education, and that you want to get out of a bad environment. Here's a link to a chart showing how to homeschool in MI: http://www.hslda.org/laws/default.asp?State=MI Here's a .pdf file that gives a current legal analysis of homeschooling in MI: http://www.hslda.org/laws/analysis/Michigan.pdf I would also really recommend getting in touch with some homeschool groups in your area, as they will be able to give you more specific information as well as options like co op classes, social outlets, and volunteer/leadership opportunities. I'm not familiar with the Detroit metro area, but if you google "Detroit homeschool groups" you will find several links, some of which should be in your area. Colleges look very favorably on homeschooling, as long as your transcripts/records are in order (and show that you did the appropriate level of work) and your SAT/ACT scores are within their range. Many colleges and universities are actively courting homeschoolers, even giving grants and scholarships specifically for homeschool grads. Several even offer concurrent enrollment, offering you the chance to graduate high school with your Associates degree. Here is a link that gives great info about putting together a transcript. http://oklahomahomeschool.com/trans1.html And here is more info, from a homeschooling mom of multiple grads, on homeschooling high school: http://oklahomahomeschool.com/highsch.html#general You can get your books from any number of places, though I would suggest starting here (as almost everything is at a discount): http://rainbowresource.com/index.php You can send for their free catalog, it's the size of a phone book and will give you tons of choices for all levels, subjects, and learning styles. Some curricula you may want to look into: http://trisms.com/ http://www.writing-edu.com/ http://www.videotext.com/homeschool.htm http://www.sonlight.com/ There are lots more out there, of course, but these are some that I highly recommend. If you would like to go with getting everything from the same company, these are two of the top "boxed" curriculum providers: http://www.abeka.com/ http://www.bjupress.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/StoreCatalogDisplay?storeId=10001&langId=-1&catalogId=10001 There are other options of course, but this should get you started :-) Good luck!
start at hslda.org know the laws of your state before you proceed! then find a curriculum colleges are recruiting home schoolers these days and are more likely to look at your ACT or SAT score more than a diploma public school or not. You can find books all over the place just google home school curriculum's and you will be overwhelmed with it. The questions you need to ask are what kind of education do you want? Do you want a Christian education or a Secular? Do you like to read a lot or would you prefer to write? are you a hands on person or can you learn well by just seeing it? For a few great programs try www.snolight.com or www.schooloftomorrow.com I've also heard a lot about Penn Foster High, Christian Liberty Press, ACE has the Lighthouse academy (the second website is ACE) I believe those are mostly on-line programs but check them out
Over the past week I have asked many questions on yahoo answers, it has became my source for information as many people ask and respond on it. Anyone this question may be one of the most important. I am Junior now and really trying to get serious about my education. I currently reside in Detroit and their school system is just terrible. Every year its the same drama, same problems. Even though I just started school I can tell its going to be the same. The past year Michigan closed down several DPS. All the students from that area had to go to different schools, this means a number of gangs together. So my mom asked me if I wanted to be home schooled, of course we know nothing about it and I felt it was no better place to ask then YahooAnswers. Some of the questions we asked today are; 1. How do you get started. 2. How do colleges look at your if your home schooled. 3. Where do you purchase books. I may ask some more questions as I do more research, thanks in advance everyone.
Home Schooling - 3 Answers
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1. How do you get started. how do you get started eh...? well first you have to get books and other simple utencils and get junior grade books. 2. How do colleges look at your if your home schooled. i really cant answer this because i've never been homeschooled. 3. Where do you purchase books www.cheapbooks.com wonderful site for elementary/highschool books.
It's great that you want to take more responsibility for your education, and that you want to get out of a bad environment. Here's a link to a chart showing how to homeschool in MI: http://www.hslda.org/laws/default.asp?State=MI Here's a .pdf file that gives a current legal analysis of homeschooling in MI: http://www.hslda.org/laws/analysis/Michigan.pdf I would also really recommend getting in touch with some homeschool groups in your area, as they will be able to give you more specific information as well as options like co op classes, social outlets, and volunteer/leadership opportunities. I'm not familiar with the Detroit metro area, but if you google "Detroit homeschool groups" you will find several links, some of which should be in your area. Colleges look very favorably on homeschooling, as long as your transcripts/records are in order (and show that you did the appropriate level of work) and your SAT/ACT scores are within their range. Many colleges and universities are actively courting homeschoolers, even giving grants and scholarships specifically for homeschool grads. Several even offer concurrent enrollment, offering you the chance to graduate high school with your Associates degree. Here is a link that gives great info about putting together a transcript. http://oklahomahomeschool.com/trans1.html And here is more info, from a homeschooling mom of multiple grads, on homeschooling high school: http://oklahomahomeschool.com/highsch.html#general You can get your books from any number of places, though I would suggest starting here (as almost everything is at a discount): http://rainbowresource.com/index.php You can send for their free catalog, it's the size of a phone book and will give you tons of choices for all levels, subjects, and learning styles. Some curricula you may want to look into: http://trisms.com/ http://www.writing-edu.com/ http://www.videotext.com/homeschool.htm http://www.sonlight.com/ There are lots more out there, of course, but these are some that I highly recommend. If you would like to go with getting everything from the same company, these are two of the top "boxed" curriculum providers: http://www.abeka.com/ http://www.bjupress.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/StoreCatalogDisplay?storeId=10001&langId=-1&catalogId=10001 There are other options of course, but this should get you started :-) Good luck!
start at hslda.org know the laws of your state before you proceed! then find a curriculum colleges are recruiting home schoolers these days and are more likely to look at your ACT or SAT score more than a diploma public school or not. You can find books all over the place just google home school curriculum's and you will be overwhelmed with it. The questions you need to ask are what kind of education do you want? Do you want a Christian education or a Secular? Do you like to read a lot or would you prefer to write? are you a hands on person or can you learn well by just seeing it? For a few great programs try www.snolight.com or www.schooloftomorrow.com I've also heard a lot about Penn Foster High, Christian Liberty Press, ACE has the Lighthouse academy (the second website is ACE) I believe those are mostly on-line programs but check them out
Friday, April 8, 2011
where can i get free cna training here in michigan?
where can i get free cna training here in michigan?
where can i get free cna training here in michigan? i live in detroit looking 2 find a school to attend 4 free or to pay a cheap price for it....
Financial Aid - 1 Answers
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Here's a link to a previous similar question that has a great best answer. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071204110905AAzujUC
where can i get free cna training here in michigan? i live in detroit looking 2 find a school to attend 4 free or to pay a cheap price for it....
Financial Aid - 1 Answers
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Here's a link to a previous similar question that has a great best answer. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071204110905AAzujUC
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Should I move to Detroit?
Should I move to Detroit?
I am interested in moving to Detroit, Michigan after I finish college. I am interested for four reasons; 1. Detroit has an excellent job market and Michigan has a good economy with good paying jobs. 2. Detroit has excellent mass transportation with an excellent light rail train system. 3. Detroit has an excellent public school system and is one of the best schools systems in the country. 4. Detroit has a low crime rate and is considered as one of the safest cities in America. What are some other good reasons I should consider moving to Detroit? Also, what are the advantages of moving to Detroit. P.S.: I want to live in the City of Detroit and not the metropolitan area.
Detroit - 18 Answers
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I don't know where you got your info but 3 out of 4 are wrong. Michigan's economy is hurting, crime is rampant and the Detroit school system is among the nations worst
I really hope your being cleverly facetious
I have been to Detroit....from my experience, I would not move there!! But that's my opinion. You asked, here's my answer - NO!
seriously? I live in the outskirts, detroit has gotten a lot better then it used to be but it still isnt the best place. What type of job? 1.There isnt a market for jobs. If your a teacher you have no chance what so ever. 2. The transportation isnt great and its really dirty. 3. Schools are being shut down left and right. 4. Low crime rate... really???? I don't think so. Get used to hearing sirens daily. I can send you a list of things that have gone down while i was in detroit.
ROFLMBO where in the world did you read these things about Detroit? hon, stay in College and learn how to read and decipher news correctly
Hes being sarcastic, lol. People that are taking him seriously are making me laugh.
Thats some funny $h!+ dude!!!!!!!!!
Yeah you should move to Detroit, Chicago has enough trolls.
I am wondering who told you these lies? After all, none of what you have posted is true. As a former Metropolitan Detroiter, I would suggest you not to move to Detroit and here is why; 1. Detroit has a horrible economy and Michigan has one of the worst economies in the country. 2. I lived in Metropolitan Detroit for over 20 years and I can tell you right now that Detroit does not have a light rail train system. Since you are a Charlotte Knights fan, I can assume you are from Charlotte, NC or the Charlotte Metropolitan Area and you are thinking that Detroit has a CATS Light Rail System. Detroit does not have any kind of commuter train system and I do not see one coming to Detroit any time soon. 3. Detroit does not have an excellent school system and is one of the worst in the country. In 2007, they closed down many schools because of low attendance and poor class performance. 4. Detroit has a extraordinarily high crime rate. It is in the top ten most dangerous city in the United States and the most dangerous in the State of Michigan. I am assuming that you are from the Charlotte Area and my advice to you is to stay in Charlotte. I was once considering a move there and Charlotte is a city that is growing and developing into a World Class City. Detroit is not growing and most people who live there are not happy with how life is in Detroit.
Ummm...you are being sarcastic right??? I mean...I honestly don't mind Detroit all that much and go up there frequently...but yeah...you'd have to be smoking something to be coming up with all of your reasons.
reall smart asss aren't you?
Not funny, The white sox suck and are in last place, even behind the Royals. The reason they suck is because their minor league system is abissmal enjoy the knights.
LOL Flintguy and G Detroit, I agree! and WTF Mr. Knowledgeable? Yes, move to Detroit. You better get a spot while the getting is good. When Detroit becomes the Paris of the Midwest again (as time repeats itself), people and jobs with money will want to barge in and there will be no room or demand for them
OK where to begin,, When the Governor Ghamlohm said you will be blown away,,, I was blown away out of the state of Michigan for these reasons, The city of Detroit Is the worst city in the state,,the city is in the red so bad that it would take 100 years to make a profit The DPS schools are the worst in the country. the dropout rate is over 70%. (5years ago I don't have newer figures ) The public transportaion sysem , what is that? Sure there are city buses that are always late, the drivers do not know how to drive, Wanye County Sheiffs ride the buses becuase of the crime on the buses. the lightrail you are thinking is the pepole mover it only goes around downtown for a mile in cirlce. the crime rate are you seroius,, the state and the city just release over 200 crimnails back on the streets due to overcrowding,,(the state wants to close serveal of the prisons down to save money,) Hookers work right across the street form the ballpark,,and there is hooker on every corner, just as the local drug dealers.. the city had laid off over 200 of it finest just before the superbowl and never re-hire any of them. There is more talk of more laid-offs of not only the police but the fire deparment and EMS. the only good thing is that you can buy a house for less 10,000 in the city due to all the home foreclsores,,
i heard this joke 5 million times already....come up with some new material buddy
The city is aslo know for it's racial harmony, and honest Mayors.
wow. Nice one! Funny how u think thats true! I live like 45 minutes away and go there sometimes. IT TERRIBLE and dirty. I know you don't want to move there. And your pretending and being sarcastic about it!
Guess you have answered your own question. With all the good things you have brought out it would be impossible to live any place else. good luck. Cheers C
I am interested in moving to Detroit, Michigan after I finish college. I am interested for four reasons; 1. Detroit has an excellent job market and Michigan has a good economy with good paying jobs. 2. Detroit has excellent mass transportation with an excellent light rail train system. 3. Detroit has an excellent public school system and is one of the best schools systems in the country. 4. Detroit has a low crime rate and is considered as one of the safest cities in America. What are some other good reasons I should consider moving to Detroit? Also, what are the advantages of moving to Detroit. P.S.: I want to live in the City of Detroit and not the metropolitan area.
Detroit - 18 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
I don't know where you got your info but 3 out of 4 are wrong. Michigan's economy is hurting, crime is rampant and the Detroit school system is among the nations worst
I really hope your being cleverly facetious
I have been to Detroit....from my experience, I would not move there!! But that's my opinion. You asked, here's my answer - NO!
seriously? I live in the outskirts, detroit has gotten a lot better then it used to be but it still isnt the best place. What type of job? 1.There isnt a market for jobs. If your a teacher you have no chance what so ever. 2. The transportation isnt great and its really dirty. 3. Schools are being shut down left and right. 4. Low crime rate... really???? I don't think so. Get used to hearing sirens daily. I can send you a list of things that have gone down while i was in detroit.
ROFLMBO where in the world did you read these things about Detroit? hon, stay in College and learn how to read and decipher news correctly
Hes being sarcastic, lol. People that are taking him seriously are making me laugh.
Thats some funny $h!+ dude!!!!!!!!!
Yeah you should move to Detroit, Chicago has enough trolls.
I am wondering who told you these lies? After all, none of what you have posted is true. As a former Metropolitan Detroiter, I would suggest you not to move to Detroit and here is why; 1. Detroit has a horrible economy and Michigan has one of the worst economies in the country. 2. I lived in Metropolitan Detroit for over 20 years and I can tell you right now that Detroit does not have a light rail train system. Since you are a Charlotte Knights fan, I can assume you are from Charlotte, NC or the Charlotte Metropolitan Area and you are thinking that Detroit has a CATS Light Rail System. Detroit does not have any kind of commuter train system and I do not see one coming to Detroit any time soon. 3. Detroit does not have an excellent school system and is one of the worst in the country. In 2007, they closed down many schools because of low attendance and poor class performance. 4. Detroit has a extraordinarily high crime rate. It is in the top ten most dangerous city in the United States and the most dangerous in the State of Michigan. I am assuming that you are from the Charlotte Area and my advice to you is to stay in Charlotte. I was once considering a move there and Charlotte is a city that is growing and developing into a World Class City. Detroit is not growing and most people who live there are not happy with how life is in Detroit.
Ummm...you are being sarcastic right??? I mean...I honestly don't mind Detroit all that much and go up there frequently...but yeah...you'd have to be smoking something to be coming up with all of your reasons.
reall smart asss aren't you?
Not funny, The white sox suck and are in last place, even behind the Royals. The reason they suck is because their minor league system is abissmal enjoy the knights.
LOL Flintguy and G Detroit, I agree! and WTF Mr. Knowledgeable? Yes, move to Detroit. You better get a spot while the getting is good. When Detroit becomes the Paris of the Midwest again (as time repeats itself), people and jobs with money will want to barge in and there will be no room or demand for them
OK where to begin,, When the Governor Ghamlohm said you will be blown away,,, I was blown away out of the state of Michigan for these reasons, The city of Detroit Is the worst city in the state,,the city is in the red so bad that it would take 100 years to make a profit The DPS schools are the worst in the country. the dropout rate is over 70%. (5years ago I don't have newer figures ) The public transportaion sysem , what is that? Sure there are city buses that are always late, the drivers do not know how to drive, Wanye County Sheiffs ride the buses becuase of the crime on the buses. the lightrail you are thinking is the pepole mover it only goes around downtown for a mile in cirlce. the crime rate are you seroius,, the state and the city just release over 200 crimnails back on the streets due to overcrowding,,(the state wants to close serveal of the prisons down to save money,) Hookers work right across the street form the ballpark,,and there is hooker on every corner, just as the local drug dealers.. the city had laid off over 200 of it finest just before the superbowl and never re-hire any of them. There is more talk of more laid-offs of not only the police but the fire deparment and EMS. the only good thing is that you can buy a house for less 10,000 in the city due to all the home foreclsores,,
i heard this joke 5 million times already....come up with some new material buddy
The city is aslo know for it's racial harmony, and honest Mayors.
wow. Nice one! Funny how u think thats true! I live like 45 minutes away and go there sometimes. IT TERRIBLE and dirty. I know you don't want to move there. And your pretending and being sarcastic about it!
Guess you have answered your own question. With all the good things you have brought out it would be impossible to live any place else. good luck. Cheers C
Monday, April 4, 2011
Is the art institute a good school for culinary arts?
Is the art institute a good school for culinary arts?
I live in Michigan and cannot relocate. the only school I think here is the Art Institutes in Novi (detroit) I have read mixed reviews and this location opened last year. I don't really have a choice as far as schools since this is the only one. I guess I just would like opinions. Has anyone attended any of the locations? What did /didn't you like about them? Thanks in advance!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Yes, but Johnson & Whales is better.
I live in Michigan and cannot relocate. the only school I think here is the Art Institutes in Novi (detroit) I have read mixed reviews and this location opened last year. I don't really have a choice as far as schools since this is the only one. I guess I just would like opinions. Has anyone attended any of the locations? What did /didn't you like about them? Thanks in advance!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Yes, but Johnson & Whales is better.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Is the art institute a good school for culinary arts?
Is the art institute a good school for culinary arts?
I live in Michigan and cannot relocate. the only school I think here is the Art Institutes in Novi (detroit) I have read mixed reviews and this location opened last year. I don't really have a choice as far as schools since this is the only one. I guess I just would like opinions. Has anyone attended any of the locations? What did /didn't you like about them? Thanks in advance!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Yes, but Johnson & Whales is better.
I live in Michigan and cannot relocate. the only school I think here is the Art Institutes in Novi (detroit) I have read mixed reviews and this location opened last year. I don't really have a choice as far as schools since this is the only one. I guess I just would like opinions. Has anyone attended any of the locations? What did /didn't you like about them? Thanks in advance!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Yes, but Johnson & Whales is better.
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