My daughter is autistic and won't behave in the ?
classroom. They have kicked her out of 2 schools already because of her behavior. She is a good girl all day then at the end of the day she gets agitated and gets a little physical. I'm at my wits end as to how to get help for her. She is a loving , sweet girl just need help and i don't think the school system in Detroit is equipped to handle her situation. How can I get home schooling for her? I live in Detroit, Michigan. Thank you.
Special Education - 6 Answers
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First of all, I really feel for you but more importantly, your daughter. The school system in general needs a major overhaul - and not just in Michigan. Unfortunately most schools are not equipped for special needs children. Most teachers have their hands full just trying to teach. I would suggest calling or visiting your Board of Education and check on your alternatives. Home schooling may end up being your best bet but I would check out other things first. Not knowing your financial situation, I don't want to steer your toward a private school but it could be one option. Good luck to you!
In Australia a child with special needs such as your daughter would be allocated a teachers aid to assist her with her learning and social interaction. Perhaps there is a school that specializes in assimilating special needs students into the mainstream curriculum and/or offers such a service. It could also be that a full day at school is too much for her at this point. Best of luck.
I don't really know about home schooling, but I know that if your child is identified as having a disability through an IEP and her behavior is a result of her disability then she is entitled to all types of protection and support for her behavior problem. It is actually illegal to kick her out of school or to suspend her for that matter if her behavior is a result of a disability. Request in writing a Functional Analysis Assessment and a Behavior Support Plan done by a qualified behaviorist to assist your daughter with her behavior challenges. If she has been suspended or held out of school for more than 10 days she is entitled to a manifestation determination which states whether or not the behavior is a result of her disability and if it is they can no longer exclude her or suspend her or kick her out from school. It sounds to me like they have some major violations. If you look on a copy of your parent rights that they are suppose to provide you at least annually there should be advocacy or other organizations that can help you get what your child is entitled to. Also is full of good information look under discipline.
Most times it is easier for the schools to kick the child out or try and make the parents pull the child out. I know that PAVE and Parent to Parent have been real good resources for me when I was battling my son’s schools. I am not too familiar with the laws of Detroit however; I can tell you how I found out the laws where I am. Being at the beginning I was not too familiar with them either. When my first child was diagnosed with Severe Asperger Syndrome, I asked what was it they looked at me and asked if I had internet. So, I researched every question I had. Do searches on “Autism, IEP, and Laws in the state of Detroit†you will have to wade through some and see what ones help you. Also if you go to you will be able to find out good information. What I did is I researched any question I might have about what the school had or did. I always brought a friend or family member with me that would help me keep my cool, you always want to keep your cool when dealing with administration. If talking to the teacher didn’t work I went above, went to the principal, and then district office. I have even contacted the state super attendant. I have spent many hours in the library and I ask questions. We are not there to make friends with our child’s school however we can be friendly and advocate. There is also the American Disability Association. I had help from advocates, my child’s psychiatrists, and psychologists as well as his pediatrician. Start a buddy system, surely there is some near you in the same district that has a child with Autism or on the spectrum. Do not fear the school. You as a parent have the right to further this. Write letters to the newspaper, contact the newspaper, and the local news channels. You need to get it out there that in haste the schools kicked you’re your child who has Autism, No child left behind; does not mean they can kick your child out. They need to have trained professionals who know how to work and handle Autism in their schools. Make a list of things that upset your child Then make a list of things that help calm your child (One that helps my two with autism is brush therapy, joint compressions, swaddled in a blanket, and quiet place to desensitize) Making a list of things that help you with your child at home; go over it with your child’s doctors and specialists and bring this up to the school. If it is book, or something that comforts your child it can be written into the IEP to have it or some substitute. Also, when researching see what other families have done, maybe see if there is an autism support group in our area Go to wright’s law, Oasis online resources for Autism, (search autism resources) Stand firm ground!! Remember to always take notes and keep a journal of what is going on at the schools and who you spoke to and when. This is vital whenever you have a meeting and you need to discuss a situation you have it there in front of you.
They can't not provide an education. That's illegal. And they have to realize that it isn't that she won't behave at the end of the day, she can't. They should be making a plan to deal with this. See if there is an organization for parents of autistic kids in your community. They should be able to help you navigate the system and, if necessary, find legal help.
the school MUST meet her needs..they must find a way to equip themselves do you have an IEP or 504? there shoudl be a behavior specialist involved--the shoudl create a behavior support plan Occupational therapy would probably help--the school should be providing this.. a possibility is even to have her on a shortened school day...she could leave early every day and teh school can send a teacher to your home for teh subjects she misses
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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come down to ohio and come to my school ;]
Southfield Schools Below Birney Middle School Levey Middle School Mary E. Thompson Middle School‎ West Bloomfield schools below Abbott Middle Orchard Lake Middle Walnut Creek Middle School West Hills Middle School
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
come down to ohio and come to my school ;]
Southfield Schools Below Birney Middle School Levey Middle School Mary E. Thompson Middle School‎ West Bloomfield schools below Abbott Middle Orchard Lake Middle Walnut Creek Middle School West Hills Middle School
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Would I be able to Attend University of Detroit Mercy or Michigan State?
Would I be able to Attend University of Detroit Mercy or Michigan State?
So far my grade point average is well, average is about a 3.3 - 3.7, and i do have a lot of extra circular activities that i do such as Tennis (Varsity), Wrestling (Varsity), also I manage the Girls Tennis Team. But my downturn is the ACT score.. I got a 16. So I was wondering what should i do? Re-take? If so any sites for practice and so on? Is there anything else I could do to make the school considering accepting me? Even with the low ACT score.... Thank You, Any help would be great-full.
Financial Aid - 1 Answers
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You should re-take it. How about considering to take SAT? You might do better since there is no science section. Send me an email and we can try to work something out soon to bring you a score that you can aim for. You should not solely aim for "admission" for the colleges. You should aim for scores that will get you in AND provide good scholarships. Remember, you're not going to the college for just a year; four years...
So far my grade point average is well, average is about a 3.3 - 3.7, and i do have a lot of extra circular activities that i do such as Tennis (Varsity), Wrestling (Varsity), also I manage the Girls Tennis Team. But my downturn is the ACT score.. I got a 16. So I was wondering what should i do? Re-take? If so any sites for practice and so on? Is there anything else I could do to make the school considering accepting me? Even with the low ACT score.... Thank You, Any help would be great-full.
Financial Aid - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
You should re-take it. How about considering to take SAT? You might do better since there is no science section. Send me an email and we can try to work something out soon to bring you a score that you can aim for. You should not solely aim for "admission" for the colleges. You should aim for scores that will get you in AND provide good scholarships. Remember, you're not going to the college for just a year; four years...
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Take Korean classes in Michigan?
Take Korean classes in Michigan?
I was wondering at the age of fourteen is there any schools in Michigan [ near the Detroit area] where I can take Korean classes? I'm really interested in learning the language and it's extremely hard trying to learn it by myself. If you don't know, don't answer. Thanks. Also if it turns out that there isn't anywhere to go where is a good place to start learning? After learning the alphabet.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Here is what I would do if I were you. First off look and see if there are any Korean communities in your area. Sometimes they are hard to find but you should ask around to see where they live. Then look into their community centers see if they have any classes to teach Koreans english, sometimes you can find in those places people willing to teach you Korean in exchange they can practice their English skills with you. Also look into any colleges in your area that may be teaching Korean. They may take you as a student if you're only taking one class, but sometimes your grades may play a part in it. But ask around hopefully you have your parents support in this. My best friends little sister is 15 and she is taking classes at our local community college and is still in high school. Sometimes the community colleges will team up with high school students interested in a certain field. If none of this works out for you there are plenty of software you could use to learn Korean. Best of luck to you!
I was wondering at the age of fourteen is there any schools in Michigan [ near the Detroit area] where I can take Korean classes? I'm really interested in learning the language and it's extremely hard trying to learn it by myself. If you don't know, don't answer. Thanks. Also if it turns out that there isn't anywhere to go where is a good place to start learning? After learning the alphabet.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Here is what I would do if I were you. First off look and see if there are any Korean communities in your area. Sometimes they are hard to find but you should ask around to see where they live. Then look into their community centers see if they have any classes to teach Koreans english, sometimes you can find in those places people willing to teach you Korean in exchange they can practice their English skills with you. Also look into any colleges in your area that may be teaching Korean. They may take you as a student if you're only taking one class, but sometimes your grades may play a part in it. But ask around hopefully you have your parents support in this. My best friends little sister is 15 and she is taking classes at our local community college and is still in high school. Sometimes the community colleges will team up with high school students interested in a certain field. If none of this works out for you there are plenty of software you could use to learn Korean. Best of luck to you!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Any good schools in detroit area for journalism?
Any good schools in detroit area for journalism?
I was thinking of Oakland U (it's really close to me) Michigan State, Eastern, or Western. Which one would be better for a journalism/digital communications degree
Detroit - 4 Answers
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What about Henry Ford Community College for a start? Then decide about the 4 year one after you have a few classes under your belt.
You might check out Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts. I've freelanced quite a bit and continue to see talent from the school involved in film and event coverage.
university of phoenix
try specs/scripps howard school of broadcasting... they have a center in southfield
I was thinking of Oakland U (it's really close to me) Michigan State, Eastern, or Western. Which one would be better for a journalism/digital communications degree
Detroit - 4 Answers
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What about Henry Ford Community College for a start? Then decide about the 4 year one after you have a few classes under your belt.
You might check out Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts. I've freelanced quite a bit and continue to see talent from the school involved in film and event coverage.
university of phoenix
try specs/scripps howard school of broadcasting... they have a center in southfield
Friday, May 20, 2011
What Is Your School Like?
What Is Your School Like?
so i just figured i would ask u what your school is like, so ill tell u about mine well i go 2 a public school in Detroit Michigan, they give every student "Strip Checks" when they search your entire body an u walk under the metal detector with nothing on, they have fights everyday, & fires everyday, the school is all messed-up, the bathrooms have purple stuff all over, and 3 people died in my school in 1 month, and my school has been on the news 3 times and over 30 pregnant chicks go there, just this morning a pregnant chick had her belly out(she was 8 months) and fought a 4 foot 9th grader, they have 80 guards in the lunch room, so thats it
Polls & Surveys - 39 Answers
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My house...
A hell hole. Help me with mine?;_ylt=AojDiruixxQq5DrZKGnW9lbsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090506154310AAW9CoG
Public, 3,000 students, lots of drugs,sex, and fighting
mine is gay
My school is in a huge dome full of naturistic Thing N weapons to train young ones in need for training
I go to a small, private, religious school. It's so uptight that It's scary.
your school is really fked mine is actually pretty good compared to everyone else like 98% of all students graduate, like 90% go to college rarely any fights lot of druggies tho great sports programs, really high avg gpa, sat scores, etc
Well the only thing i can say about my school is we can't even afford toilet paper.
Sounds like Sing Sing prison.....
School bullies are EVERYWHERE and they are all GIRLS!
dang ur skool is a n i dont go to skool im done with it...yepp...but i heka wana to bak tho to college.
my school has like 1110 students! my skool is one of the biggest skools in peel(i live in canada) it is sooo crowded and we have A LOT of fire drills
Why are you saying where your school is located? That's quite dangerous, thinking about all the weirdo's on this website. My school is a very nice school. Thank yew =)
Holy sh!t ur not serious?!!! well mines retarded and has many stalkers and future serial killers ......not kidding :[
Wow, your school sounds bad. My school is really good! It is the smartest school in the state, and the teachers are nice. We don't have to have metal detectors or anything like that. Overall, it's a great school.
My school has a bunch of rules like dress code and tardies and all the teachers take it way to seriously. Even if you don't do something wrong the just make up some rule or say it implies to some bogus rule. I once got a detention because I was walking down the hallway and didn't stop and pick a piece of trash up in front of someone Else's locker.
public school, lots of drama!
public school, many many many bitches and bastards go there. um my school is 104 years old, the bathrooms are icky!!!!!!!!!! we have so many students that there's a combined first and second grade and fifth and sixth are stuck in the modulars and like there and like lots of stuff
Boring, normal... I think I'll pull a prank...
Basically, it SUCKS.
it is a top rated public school with rich students small only 700 students in high school like1000 students in both elm and high fancyish. fancy library air conditioned most teachers say the school is good to work at and if you get a job there you r lucky. good sports teams and clubs and classes other schools don't have. Lake George NY
Whoa, your school has a lot of drama! My school is just plain and typical. It gets kind of boring after a while.
My school is new (only its 2nd year) and its the best and nicest school you can go to..! We have the greatest cafeteria, that serves pizza and sandwiches and just baked cookies and those big pretzels along with chips and soda and even ice-cream (no lies). The auditoriom is great too, its like we have our own movie theater. We also have a great library, and tech room, and computer room, and freen room , two art rooms, etc. We have three gyms too! Either way my school is great!! :]
How is your school still running? My school is boring. It's a public school although there's only a little bit of drama here and there. But everyone gets along. :] It's nice.
Dude...Detroit is rough. haha I lived there for a while. Detroit is for tough people haha...And Im not very tough. xD I know live in a VERY small town in PA. My town only has about 500 residents. And I have to go to school in another town about 20 minutes away, and its a very small school. Deffinatly not like the ones in the city. My class is the biggest, and we only have 97 people. Everyone knows everyone, things get around fast.. But its an okay place. ;D I like it. Its cozy. haha I know all the people in my class pretty well, and Id hate to leave them. All I can tell you for Detroit life is, Keep The Faith. haha My uncle told me that a while ago when I still lived there..And I was crying one day cause I got into a fight..And he told me to Keep The Faith. Its like a special little life quote I live by now. ;D
wow your school is bad the most rebellious thing my school does is set the fire alarm and they dont even do that alot
My school is truly a pathetic excuse for an educational institutionn.
I go to a school in the UK - we wear uniforms -Loads of fights -Teachers get chairs thrown at them. -Children smoking weed and in the Uk we say Year not Grade haha a little bit different to The americans. Have a great day/night. what ever time it is where u live :} PEACE
my school sucks. it's boring. lots of bullying. is strip searching even legal?
its stupid and f u c k e d up. they get the wrong people in trouble allll thhhee timeee. whats yours like?
My school is well, has to many rules, but I'm sure every school does. We wear uniform, we have a dress code for the uniforms, we cannot dye our hair colors that "Distract Students", we cant write on ourselves, no technology devices, yeah ect. But our school looks pretty nice, but it's hell for me I feel like I'm locked in a prison cell. We barely learn anything we are always getting lectures and crap. There are a lot of proctors, and the vice principal has this God Complex. We have way to many cliques, and I hang out with stoners, but don't do anything. I love my friends, and I hate my school. There are two pregnant girls at school, and at least 4 girls that faked there pregnancy, to stay with a guy.
I used to go to a school...200 kids. THAT was too much for me, I do online schooling now. Hold up champ, i pity you for your source
mine is like..... i wake up whenever i want stay in my pjs sit in front of the computer work on my online classes O_o BORING!!
Mine is public; infested with evil little rats running around spreading rumors. Cruel teachers who only work to get paid, and spend endless hours on the Internet. The worst part of it all is gym class. The gym teacher watches us get undressed in the locker rooms. It's gross. She watches me get bullied for not being able to dribble a basketball or not being able to do play sports very well and she doesn't do anything about it. I told my principal, and she didn't do anything. Silly stereotypes, racism, fights, kids doing drugs. If you look hard enough, however, there are a few good people who won't judge you on how you look or how popular you are.
A vamp school? You dont want to know...
wow! i just started this year going to some dumb country school in dallas. its boring, the only excitement is little gay fights that only happened 3 times this whole year. alot of racism. we have to wear uniforms with shirts tucked in and a belt with no hoodie or we get detention or sometimes saturday school. nobody even talks or gets in trouble just the mexicans lol but soon they get expelled or somethin. my previous school in san antonio sounds a little like urs except w/o the searches and fires and being on the news.. that school is actually closing down next year.
My school is dull and boring, but the curriculum (what they teach) is pretty good... The building itself is ancient... (no air conditioners!) ...and it feels like a prison too! Crowded, narrow hallways, gray walls, dim lights, ew. We don't do strip searches, but there was this one time I heard of when the police brought dogs in to sniff out for drugs. And the only metal detectors or any detectors we have are the ones in the library so that the staff knows if someone is trying to steal a book or two... As for the students... well we have "rich" snobby preps, the "gangsta" people, jocks, punks/emo here and there, a lot Twilight fans, and the normal kids... Although most of the girls here will end up as strippers or hideous soccer moms... Yeah... that's pretty much it.
well mine is public and is a hell hole with guys that are probably gonna be future rapists.
so i just figured i would ask u what your school is like, so ill tell u about mine well i go 2 a public school in Detroit Michigan, they give every student "Strip Checks" when they search your entire body an u walk under the metal detector with nothing on, they have fights everyday, & fires everyday, the school is all messed-up, the bathrooms have purple stuff all over, and 3 people died in my school in 1 month, and my school has been on the news 3 times and over 30 pregnant chicks go there, just this morning a pregnant chick had her belly out(she was 8 months) and fought a 4 foot 9th grader, they have 80 guards in the lunch room, so thats it
Polls & Surveys - 39 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
My house...
A hell hole. Help me with mine?;_ylt=AojDiruixxQq5DrZKGnW9lbsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090506154310AAW9CoG
Public, 3,000 students, lots of drugs,sex, and fighting
mine is gay
My school is in a huge dome full of naturistic Thing N weapons to train young ones in need for training
I go to a small, private, religious school. It's so uptight that It's scary.
your school is really fked mine is actually pretty good compared to everyone else like 98% of all students graduate, like 90% go to college rarely any fights lot of druggies tho great sports programs, really high avg gpa, sat scores, etc
Well the only thing i can say about my school is we can't even afford toilet paper.
Sounds like Sing Sing prison.....
School bullies are EVERYWHERE and they are all GIRLS!
dang ur skool is a n i dont go to skool im done with it...yepp...but i heka wana to bak tho to college.
my school has like 1110 students! my skool is one of the biggest skools in peel(i live in canada) it is sooo crowded and we have A LOT of fire drills
Why are you saying where your school is located? That's quite dangerous, thinking about all the weirdo's on this website. My school is a very nice school. Thank yew =)
Holy sh!t ur not serious?!!! well mines retarded and has many stalkers and future serial killers ......not kidding :[
Wow, your school sounds bad. My school is really good! It is the smartest school in the state, and the teachers are nice. We don't have to have metal detectors or anything like that. Overall, it's a great school.
My school has a bunch of rules like dress code and tardies and all the teachers take it way to seriously. Even if you don't do something wrong the just make up some rule or say it implies to some bogus rule. I once got a detention because I was walking down the hallway and didn't stop and pick a piece of trash up in front of someone Else's locker.
public school, lots of drama!
public school, many many many bitches and bastards go there. um my school is 104 years old, the bathrooms are icky!!!!!!!!!! we have so many students that there's a combined first and second grade and fifth and sixth are stuck in the modulars and like there and like lots of stuff
Boring, normal... I think I'll pull a prank...
Basically, it SUCKS.
it is a top rated public school with rich students small only 700 students in high school like1000 students in both elm and high fancyish. fancy library air conditioned most teachers say the school is good to work at and if you get a job there you r lucky. good sports teams and clubs and classes other schools don't have. Lake George NY
Whoa, your school has a lot of drama! My school is just plain and typical. It gets kind of boring after a while.
My school is new (only its 2nd year) and its the best and nicest school you can go to..! We have the greatest cafeteria, that serves pizza and sandwiches and just baked cookies and those big pretzels along with chips and soda and even ice-cream (no lies). The auditoriom is great too, its like we have our own movie theater. We also have a great library, and tech room, and computer room, and freen room , two art rooms, etc. We have three gyms too! Either way my school is great!! :]
How is your school still running? My school is boring. It's a public school although there's only a little bit of drama here and there. But everyone gets along. :] It's nice.
Dude...Detroit is rough. haha I lived there for a while. Detroit is for tough people haha...And Im not very tough. xD I know live in a VERY small town in PA. My town only has about 500 residents. And I have to go to school in another town about 20 minutes away, and its a very small school. Deffinatly not like the ones in the city. My class is the biggest, and we only have 97 people. Everyone knows everyone, things get around fast.. But its an okay place. ;D I like it. Its cozy. haha I know all the people in my class pretty well, and Id hate to leave them. All I can tell you for Detroit life is, Keep The Faith. haha My uncle told me that a while ago when I still lived there..And I was crying one day cause I got into a fight..And he told me to Keep The Faith. Its like a special little life quote I live by now. ;D
wow your school is bad the most rebellious thing my school does is set the fire alarm and they dont even do that alot
My school is truly a pathetic excuse for an educational institutionn.
I go to a school in the UK - we wear uniforms -Loads of fights -Teachers get chairs thrown at them. -Children smoking weed and in the Uk we say Year not Grade haha a little bit different to The americans. Have a great day/night. what ever time it is where u live :} PEACE
my school sucks. it's boring. lots of bullying. is strip searching even legal?
its stupid and f u c k e d up. they get the wrong people in trouble allll thhhee timeee. whats yours like?
My school is well, has to many rules, but I'm sure every school does. We wear uniform, we have a dress code for the uniforms, we cannot dye our hair colors that "Distract Students", we cant write on ourselves, no technology devices, yeah ect. But our school looks pretty nice, but it's hell for me I feel like I'm locked in a prison cell. We barely learn anything we are always getting lectures and crap. There are a lot of proctors, and the vice principal has this God Complex. We have way to many cliques, and I hang out with stoners, but don't do anything. I love my friends, and I hate my school. There are two pregnant girls at school, and at least 4 girls that faked there pregnancy, to stay with a guy.
I used to go to a school...200 kids. THAT was too much for me, I do online schooling now. Hold up champ, i pity you for your source
mine is like..... i wake up whenever i want stay in my pjs sit in front of the computer work on my online classes O_o BORING!!
Mine is public; infested with evil little rats running around spreading rumors. Cruel teachers who only work to get paid, and spend endless hours on the Internet. The worst part of it all is gym class. The gym teacher watches us get undressed in the locker rooms. It's gross. She watches me get bullied for not being able to dribble a basketball or not being able to do play sports very well and she doesn't do anything about it. I told my principal, and she didn't do anything. Silly stereotypes, racism, fights, kids doing drugs. If you look hard enough, however, there are a few good people who won't judge you on how you look or how popular you are.
A vamp school? You dont want to know...
wow! i just started this year going to some dumb country school in dallas. its boring, the only excitement is little gay fights that only happened 3 times this whole year. alot of racism. we have to wear uniforms with shirts tucked in and a belt with no hoodie or we get detention or sometimes saturday school. nobody even talks or gets in trouble just the mexicans lol but soon they get expelled or somethin. my previous school in san antonio sounds a little like urs except w/o the searches and fires and being on the news.. that school is actually closing down next year.
My school is dull and boring, but the curriculum (what they teach) is pretty good... The building itself is ancient... (no air conditioners!) ...and it feels like a prison too! Crowded, narrow hallways, gray walls, dim lights, ew. We don't do strip searches, but there was this one time I heard of when the police brought dogs in to sniff out for drugs. And the only metal detectors or any detectors we have are the ones in the library so that the staff knows if someone is trying to steal a book or two... As for the students... well we have "rich" snobby preps, the "gangsta" people, jocks, punks/emo here and there, a lot Twilight fans, and the normal kids... Although most of the girls here will end up as strippers or hideous soccer moms... Yeah... that's pretty much it.
well mine is public and is a hell hole with guys that are probably gonna be future rapists.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Penn Foster High School Online ?
Penn Foster High School Online ?
How many people who went to Penn Foster High School Online went to Wayne State University in Detroit Michigan for Nursing and (or) Social Work. For there Bachelor and Master?
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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I just started Penn Foster High School Online. Email me if you have any questions. We can help each other with our home work.
How many people who went to Penn Foster High School Online went to Wayne State University in Detroit Michigan for Nursing and (or) Social Work. For there Bachelor and Master?
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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I just started Penn Foster High School Online. Email me if you have any questions. We can help each other with our home work.
Monday, May 16, 2011
What would be the best Law School to attend to be a Sports Lawyer?
What would be the best Law School to attend to be a Sports Lawyer?
I want to become a Sports Lawyer. But I don't know which school would be the best option for me to break into the industry. Ultimately I want to practice either in Phoenix, Detroit, Chicago, or Los Angeles. I was thinking about attending one of these schools: UCLA, USC, Loyola in Los Angeles, Tulane, Marquette, University of Michigan, Duke, University of Miami, Vanderbilt, Arizona State, Washington & Lee, California Western, or University of Arizona Law School. Which one do you think will help me? Thanks
Law & Legal - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
you go to law school to become a lawyer. what type of practice you get into after law school depends on who is hiring.
Please join any accredited Law college and get a law degree to fulfill your cherished goal !!!
I want to become a Sports Lawyer. But I don't know which school would be the best option for me to break into the industry. Ultimately I want to practice either in Phoenix, Detroit, Chicago, or Los Angeles. I was thinking about attending one of these schools: UCLA, USC, Loyola in Los Angeles, Tulane, Marquette, University of Michigan, Duke, University of Miami, Vanderbilt, Arizona State, Washington & Lee, California Western, or University of Arizona Law School. Which one do you think will help me? Thanks
Law & Legal - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
you go to law school to become a lawyer. what type of practice you get into after law school depends on who is hiring.
Please join any accredited Law college and get a law degree to fulfill your cherished goal !!!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
snow day tomorrow in Michigan?
snow day tomorrow in Michigan?
i live in detroit michigan and were supposted to get 2-4 inches tonite but during the day tomorrow we supposted to get 4-6 inches, becuz of even more snow during the school and work day u think there will be school?
Weather - 5 Answers
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maybe because if the snow 's cloud is gone for some reason, then it will have school. anyway, you guys are lucky, we dont have snow in maryland, i wanna live in michigan
well i live in fort wayne indiana which is kinda by michigan but yeah anyways though we r supposed to get an ice storm and i think southern michigan is too!
in northern IL we are getting 7-12 inches of snow and we probably will still have school. 3 inches is nothing to us. so i think u will have school.
Hi! Michigan too!!!! Detroit is supposed to get lots of snow and freezing rain. The roads will be terrible and buses can't get through. I think you will have a snowday and so will I!!!!!
heyy. ehh michigan ?? i live in flint! well were suppose to get about the same amountt. i think we will have a snowday. only because a lot of kids dont have experience driving in terrible snowy conditions and they dont want kids having their first accidentss. so i dont think im going to have school at SC but. we will see do a snow dance and do some prayerss.
i live in detroit michigan and were supposted to get 2-4 inches tonite but during the day tomorrow we supposted to get 4-6 inches, becuz of even more snow during the school and work day u think there will be school?
Weather - 5 Answers
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maybe because if the snow 's cloud is gone for some reason, then it will have school. anyway, you guys are lucky, we dont have snow in maryland, i wanna live in michigan
well i live in fort wayne indiana which is kinda by michigan but yeah anyways though we r supposed to get an ice storm and i think southern michigan is too!
in northern IL we are getting 7-12 inches of snow and we probably will still have school. 3 inches is nothing to us. so i think u will have school.
Hi! Michigan too!!!! Detroit is supposed to get lots of snow and freezing rain. The roads will be terrible and buses can't get through. I think you will have a snowday and so will I!!!!!
heyy. ehh michigan ?? i live in flint! well were suppose to get about the same amountt. i think we will have a snowday. only because a lot of kids dont have experience driving in terrible snowy conditions and they dont want kids having their first accidentss. so i dont think im going to have school at SC but. we will see do a snow dance and do some prayerss.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Whats a Good Online Homeschool Program in Detroit Michigan?
Whats a Good Online Homeschool Program in Detroit Michigan?
I am currently a sophomore in High School. School has started on September 7th 2010, like 3 days of school has passed that I haven't went yet. I am planning on going to Homeschool. The only problem is, is that I don't know whats a good HomeSchooling Program for a 10th Grader. It has to be online, and I'm not ready to put up with the High School Crap in my current school, the kid's over there act so childish and annoying, it's pitiful. Also leave me a price of the Homeschool program, and also let me know if it's a good Home Schooling Program, and easy to Sign Up. I am noob with this homeschool thing, so I'm like a cave man with fire. Also leave the price and a phone number of it, Thanks!! I really appreciate it!
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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I did K12 online, which is free, and it's an excellent program as far as teacher-student time, "classroom" time, and daily schoolwork. I liked it a lot. You gotta do the work every day though. I'll give you the links. Good luck with your studies.
I am currently a sophomore in High School. School has started on September 7th 2010, like 3 days of school has passed that I haven't went yet. I am planning on going to Homeschool. The only problem is, is that I don't know whats a good HomeSchooling Program for a 10th Grader. It has to be online, and I'm not ready to put up with the High School Crap in my current school, the kid's over there act so childish and annoying, it's pitiful. Also leave me a price of the Homeschool program, and also let me know if it's a good Home Schooling Program, and easy to Sign Up. I am noob with this homeschool thing, so I'm like a cave man with fire. Also leave the price and a phone number of it, Thanks!! I really appreciate it!
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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I did K12 online, which is free, and it's an excellent program as far as teacher-student time, "classroom" time, and daily schoolwork. I liked it a lot. You gotta do the work every day though. I'll give you the links. Good luck with your studies.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
cosmetology schools in Detroit Michigan
cosmetology schools in Detroit Michigan
hi i need help finding a good school to learn beauty and cosmetology in detroit so far every school i found is very expensive and i dont have alot to spend i am going on a ged and im trying to find one soon anybody know one where i can attend around here plz let me know thank you soo much i know but they gave me this catogory as the on it best fit in and its not like they have cosmetology schools in detroit catogory i still need an answer anybody plz that can help
Detroit - 2 Answers
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What does this have to do with dining out?? Wrong category.
dave preasley it in royal oak michigan on washington it 700.00 to regster for class the offer loans for the school i check this school out a few week ago
hi i need help finding a good school to learn beauty and cosmetology in detroit so far every school i found is very expensive and i dont have alot to spend i am going on a ged and im trying to find one soon anybody know one where i can attend around here plz let me know thank you soo much i know but they gave me this catogory as the on it best fit in and its not like they have cosmetology schools in detroit catogory i still need an answer anybody plz that can help
Detroit - 2 Answers
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What does this have to do with dining out?? Wrong category.
dave preasley it in royal oak michigan on washington it 700.00 to regster for class the offer loans for the school i check this school out a few week ago
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Why is Michigan the basket case of the USA?
Why is Michigan the basket case of the USA?
Is it because the unions own the state? Is it because Granholm is the most incompetent governor in the country? Is it because corruption is a way of life here (see Detroit city council, mayor, school system, etc)? Should we simply blame the Lions for stinking up the place for 50 plus years?? What are your thoughts?
Government - 9 Answers
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I always thought the whole USA was a big basket case.
I never really thought about it before, but yeah, I think you are absolutely correct. It's the Detroit Lions fault.
Free trade. Thank conservatives who care more about saving 10 cents on a bobble head than their fellow American.
Unions are the major players here.
It is ran by unions and tax and spend Dems
I do not feel it is in the basket at all, but to blame the Lions is just cruel they have enough problems already
Unions=corruption. Sheesh? Watch movies. This is one aspect the liberal entertainment industry is not smart enough to keep a lid on--plus it sells.
Being a Michigan resident I would have to say Grandholm by a mile. But then again what would one expect from a person growing up in Canada and learning the Canadian way instead of the American way. Her ONLY policy seems to be hike those taxes, on individuals, on business's, on consumer doing so, many companies have LEFT the State, as well as our young College Graduates since the business climate is dire. The crumbling of the automakers and its unions just broke the camels back, as this State has been in trouble for a long while. Grandholm seems to wait until the very last minute, threatening us citizens by threatening to cut back on the police and the schools.................when all that needs to be done is reign in the forever growing Government. I would love to see "part time" representatives in this State. I would also like to see the revamping of all Gov't/Education/Police/Fire Dept retirements and health care take a different route than we taxpayers footing the bill.
yes yes and yes, its all the democrates, and if you noticed all the liberal democrates are the same and they do the same everywhere they go, look at any blue state and see if its not the same, michigan is ground zero and its spreading outwards to a blue state near you.
Is it because the unions own the state? Is it because Granholm is the most incompetent governor in the country? Is it because corruption is a way of life here (see Detroit city council, mayor, school system, etc)? Should we simply blame the Lions for stinking up the place for 50 plus years?? What are your thoughts?
Government - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
I always thought the whole USA was a big basket case.
I never really thought about it before, but yeah, I think you are absolutely correct. It's the Detroit Lions fault.
Free trade. Thank conservatives who care more about saving 10 cents on a bobble head than their fellow American.
Unions are the major players here.
It is ran by unions and tax and spend Dems
I do not feel it is in the basket at all, but to blame the Lions is just cruel they have enough problems already
Unions=corruption. Sheesh? Watch movies. This is one aspect the liberal entertainment industry is not smart enough to keep a lid on--plus it sells.
Being a Michigan resident I would have to say Grandholm by a mile. But then again what would one expect from a person growing up in Canada and learning the Canadian way instead of the American way. Her ONLY policy seems to be hike those taxes, on individuals, on business's, on consumer doing so, many companies have LEFT the State, as well as our young College Graduates since the business climate is dire. The crumbling of the automakers and its unions just broke the camels back, as this State has been in trouble for a long while. Grandholm seems to wait until the very last minute, threatening us citizens by threatening to cut back on the police and the schools.................when all that needs to be done is reign in the forever growing Government. I would love to see "part time" representatives in this State. I would also like to see the revamping of all Gov't/Education/Police/Fire Dept retirements and health care take a different route than we taxpayers footing the bill.
yes yes and yes, its all the democrates, and if you noticed all the liberal democrates are the same and they do the same everywhere they go, look at any blue state and see if its not the same, michigan is ground zero and its spreading outwards to a blue state near you.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Information on the Springwells / Delray Area in Detroit?
Information on the Springwells / Delray Area in Detroit?
I'm looking for information on housing, school systems, demographics etc. in Detroit, Michigan. Specifically around Central Avenue and DIX Street. From what I've heard, its impoverished and unsafe. I'm now looking for peoples' more personal experiences with this. What was it like growing up / raising kids there? How do you think you could have benefitted from being in another part of the country? I'm curious because I was born there and placed for adoption when I was one year old. I now live in NYC, but I'm curious as to what my life would have been like. If there's anything you feel is important to add that I didn't think to ask, please do! Thanks everyone.
Detroit - 2 Answers
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Mary, Much of this depends on your age as that the are changed. I grew up in the central/Dix/Vernor area, in the sixities and seventies. I attended a catholic school ST. Gabes, both myself and my wife graduated from Redeemer H.S. The public schools at this time were what you made of it, many of my friends went to college from both schools. This area of SW Detroit is basically a community within Detroit, which no matter which block people felt a sence of community. This changed as the area became more poorer and people moved however thhere to this day remainds a sence of community. The area now is mostly Mexican and Latin many resturants but also more crime drugs ect. for you i think you would of made friends with people who had many extended family members from commnity, you would of met many people fro various backgrounds employment ranges, you would of experienced the changes of this area. I would like to tell you more but I need some time references. I also hope all is well I have fiends that were adopted and have especially worked on staying close in there adult life, you woderment is normal. Have you had any ontact with your natural Parents? I would ask about a typical day, school church, transportation size of homes commerece, colleges and what a similier female would o accomplished. also google church names to get a history. Warmly Jon Luc
I'm looking for information on housing, school systems, demographics etc. in Detroit, Michigan. Specifically around Central Avenue and DIX Street. From what I've heard, its impoverished and unsafe. I'm now looking for peoples' more personal experiences with this. What was it like growing up / raising kids there? How do you think you could have benefitted from being in another part of the country? I'm curious because I was born there and placed for adoption when I was one year old. I now live in NYC, but I'm curious as to what my life would have been like. If there's anything you feel is important to add that I didn't think to ask, please do! Thanks everyone.
Detroit - 2 Answers
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Mary, Much of this depends on your age as that the are changed. I grew up in the central/Dix/Vernor area, in the sixities and seventies. I attended a catholic school ST. Gabes, both myself and my wife graduated from Redeemer H.S. The public schools at this time were what you made of it, many of my friends went to college from both schools. This area of SW Detroit is basically a community within Detroit, which no matter which block people felt a sence of community. This changed as the area became more poorer and people moved however thhere to this day remainds a sence of community. The area now is mostly Mexican and Latin many resturants but also more crime drugs ect. for you i think you would of made friends with people who had many extended family members from commnity, you would of met many people fro various backgrounds employment ranges, you would of experienced the changes of this area. I would like to tell you more but I need some time references. I also hope all is well I have fiends that were adopted and have especially worked on staying close in there adult life, you woderment is normal. Have you had any ontact with your natural Parents? I would ask about a typical day, school church, transportation size of homes commerece, colleges and what a similier female would o accomplished. also google church names to get a history. Warmly Jon Luc
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Information on the Springwells / Delray area of Detroit?
Information on the Springwells / Delray area of Detroit?
I'm looking for information on housing, school systems, demographics etc. in Detroit, Michigan. Specifically around Central Avenue and DIX Street. From what I've heard, its impoverished and unsafe. I'm now looking for peoples' more personal experiences with this. What was it like growing up / raising kids there? How do you think you could have benefitted from being in another part of the country? I'm curious because I was born there and placed for adoption when I was one year old. I now live in NYC, but I'm curious as to what my life would have been like. If there's anything you feel is important to add that I didn't think to ask, please do! Thanks everyone.
Detroit - 2 Answers
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It is a very impoverished place. I have done some work at a clubhouse there for people with mental health problems. I have to park across the street and I am very cautious. I leave nothing of value in my car, and I don't leave my car if I see anyone about. I hate that I feel this way when I go there, but it feels unsafe to me. There are no grocery stores or stores of any kind except the little mom & pop stores that sell liquor, cigarettes, and overpriced food. There are lots of people wandering about the area that look homeless since they are pushing shopping carts of their belongings. There is very little that is attractive - the houses are not kept up, there is very little in the way of grass or flowers - lots of dirt and broken cement. My best guess is that your mother and possibly your father were having a very hard life and wanted something better for you. I am guessing that they gave you up out of love and a sincere hope that your life would be better because of it.
This is considered Southwest Detroit, in and before the 80's SW Detroit was a decent enough place to live, people still did take care of their time went on it steadily declined. Central and Dix is just blah, its over runned by gangs...The detroit school system is awful. I remember as a kid growing up in the 80's the bar was set very low in the schools. As most of Detroit has become very unsafe. Its a place were you really cannot trust your neighbor. Delray isnt a part of Central and more so past Fort and Springwells, its a depressing little shack of town that even in the early 90's was looked down on as dangerous and ghetto.
I'm looking for information on housing, school systems, demographics etc. in Detroit, Michigan. Specifically around Central Avenue and DIX Street. From what I've heard, its impoverished and unsafe. I'm now looking for peoples' more personal experiences with this. What was it like growing up / raising kids there? How do you think you could have benefitted from being in another part of the country? I'm curious because I was born there and placed for adoption when I was one year old. I now live in NYC, but I'm curious as to what my life would have been like. If there's anything you feel is important to add that I didn't think to ask, please do! Thanks everyone.
Detroit - 2 Answers
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It is a very impoverished place. I have done some work at a clubhouse there for people with mental health problems. I have to park across the street and I am very cautious. I leave nothing of value in my car, and I don't leave my car if I see anyone about. I hate that I feel this way when I go there, but it feels unsafe to me. There are no grocery stores or stores of any kind except the little mom & pop stores that sell liquor, cigarettes, and overpriced food. There are lots of people wandering about the area that look homeless since they are pushing shopping carts of their belongings. There is very little that is attractive - the houses are not kept up, there is very little in the way of grass or flowers - lots of dirt and broken cement. My best guess is that your mother and possibly your father were having a very hard life and wanted something better for you. I am guessing that they gave you up out of love and a sincere hope that your life would be better because of it.
This is considered Southwest Detroit, in and before the 80's SW Detroit was a decent enough place to live, people still did take care of their time went on it steadily declined. Central and Dix is just blah, its over runned by gangs...The detroit school system is awful. I remember as a kid growing up in the 80's the bar was set very low in the schools. As most of Detroit has become very unsafe. Its a place were you really cannot trust your neighbor. Delray isnt a part of Central and more so past Fort and Springwells, its a depressing little shack of town that even in the early 90's was looked down on as dangerous and ghetto.
Monday, May 2, 2011
I am looking for a fly fishing school in the southern half of Michigan, closer to Ohio the better.?
I am looking for a fly fishing school in the southern half of Michigan, closer to Ohio the better.?
Preferably in the Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing areas. Possibly Grand Rapids
Fishing - 2 Answers
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here is a link to an Ann Arbor fly shop that offers classes- contact them to see when their next flyfishing class will be.
Try these Try this, orvis is probably your best option for full and true advice to improve your fishing
Preferably in the Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing areas. Possibly Grand Rapids
Fishing - 2 Answers
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here is a link to an Ann Arbor fly shop that offers classes- contact them to see when their next flyfishing class will be.
Try these Try this, orvis is probably your best option for full and true advice to improve your fishing
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