My family moved to the ghettos of Detroit, Michigan when I was 13, to attend high school. I did pretty terrible things with my gang like vandalize, steal, and even mugged somebody once. I spent some time in juvenile hall and finally was disciplined before I finished high school. Would anybody like to share experiences?
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I'm the leader of a gang as we speak. Yeah... me and Bozo and Krusty gonna kick some assss!
myself, i was never in any gang. but i had friends that got swept away and stuck in gang violence cycle. i lived in brooklyn, then chicago. now my family has a pretty nice place in a great neighborhood here in chicago. i can only feel gratitude i didn't make the same stupid decisions as others did.
Not me, but I'm a girl
no,never knew anyone to do that
I was in a gang.. sort of in my old town. We moved to a small/midsize town in Texas (always lived in Texas and proud to be Southern), and I got into a group of friends that eventually made a redneck gang. I'll admit we were pretty racist, we were like a mini- KKK, without the robes and complicated crap. The gang got pretty damn big, and my friends were the heads of the gang. I was one of the people working for the head, telling all the lower guys what to do, but we f---ed some stuff up big time. We'd smash up N-ggerfied cars and anytime we'd hear rap music we'd blast country and try to piss the black dude off enough to where he wanted to fight. Then we'd all jump him and steal a bunch of his crap. But I'm done with it now, I'm off in the military and they set me straight haha
I was in a gang from 9 to 16 years old. I was kinda recruited. One day i was walking home from school and 3 middle school kids ran up on me(i was decked out polo shirt/gold watch/my chain on/Jordan's) they started hassling me for to give up my sh** and surprise we started fighting so i ran away at first to the fence of a baseball field then i put my back 2 the fence and started swinging; it lasted for about a 1 min a 1min 1/2 but then one of the kids oldest brother came and told them to stop n that was that i got respect from everyone after that and those kids became my homeboys and the four of us later became baby gangsters a few months later. But i ended up dropping the gang life I don't know why till this day why i gave it up but i decided i was out an i asked to be jumped out and boom went through 2 sets of five minute beatings from my fellow members n now i'm hopefully on my way to dallas to go to art school this coming spring.